
Well, the result is the same of course, but if they’ve gotten worse over the Trump campaign and administration I am more righteous in my outrage. If not, I am more depressed in my assessment of white America. But honestly, not much difference, I guess I am just grabbing at straws.


What a shi**y situation. How do you weed out calls like that?

I guess you’re right. Just feels like the sluice gates of hate have been opened by 45's open-racism. Probably fooling myself that it would be tamped back down were he out of office.

My father’s a retired Air Force vet and sees the guys he worked with for over 20 years thumping their chests with Trump and he has no idea what the fuck they’re on about. He was literally trained to engage Russian forces, and now his former coworkers in the Air Force are happy with how Trump treats Russia.

Yeah, what the heck did the neighbor tell them?

Does anyone have a sense of whether:

Yeesh. Can’t deny that!

The think I hate the most are responses like “you need to move on, you need to move forward, nothing you can do about it now.” Anything to escape really talking about it to another human.

Is [whatever] ignoring Poor Black Women and Girls?

Hasn’t Condi Rice suffered enough?

And yes, totally agree it’s a tough problem, but one worth solving.

Genuinely curious, what are these four different problems. Let’s get started :)

If someone says that something is racist, why don’t we just believe them and ask for clarification? Why is everyone so quick to say it’s not racism? Why is everyone so quick to say it’s not sexual assault? I know I’m yelling at the moon here, but just wish people (especially supposed progressives) would work to

So what’s with the mealy-mouthed school?!

You know, there’s a bigger message there. I donate to these funds for survivors of mass shootings. I will keep doing so, but I would like to throw my money to ways to stop these shootings, instead of trying to help after.


Our Midwife was a nurse-practitioner so we were using some tech to watch things. We did a lot of research, it wasn’t a warm-fuzzy choice (not trying to fight here, just saying what we did, should be a well-considered choice for anyone) for us. In our research things don’t go wrong quickly if you’re careful about what