
Wow, what a fantastic season so far. I really, really enjoyed "Original Airbenders." I love episode titles where you're not totally sure of the context from the get-go. Like, I thought this was maybe going to be about tensions/differences between "original" airbenders, Tenzin and his family, and the new airbenders.

Fantastic episodes, and a fantastic start to what already seems like a huge improvement over Season 2.

A highly flawed, yet strangely compelling finale rounds out a season of the same. I don't know of any other show that could wait 3 1/2 seasons before it told us anything about its characters, but now we actually have a group of people whose safety I kind of care about. And even though Rick's parting line was stupid

I think this season of Walking Dead is better than the others, though still flawed… so I agree with Todd? I actually didn't care very much for the plague plotline (seemed unnecessarily morbid to introduce the superflu on a zombie show). The Governor stuff might have worked, if Season 3 hadn't existed at all. They

I remember feeling quite bad for her, those relentless, isolating Exile Island trips. I didn't blame her (or Jenna) for quitting.

I'll split the difference. I understand what the reviewer is saying. I find the show's constant attempt to one up itself in terms of sheer horror to be a distraction. Mika didn't really work as a character—blame the child actor and her writing for that one—and when she was killed I just kind of rolled my eyes.

I agree the series finale was infuriating, but the rest of Season 4 was pretty awesome, if you actually consider its individual episodes. The uneasy alliance between the Fleet and the Rebel Cylons was fun to watch, as was the mutiny plot… Sure, it all went nowhere, but the journey was really compelling.