
As every Star Trek:TOS viewer knows. The only possible Kirk-ship is Kirk-Kirk.
There simply isn't any room for a second person with an ego that mallomary monstrous.

or thirtysomethings, or in Ian Zeiring's case preparing for his new exciting career as a Depends salesman.

Spike; on his chop; jumping backwards; over a shark;
with Andrew; in a football helmet.

Now drop and give me twenty.

>> Battlecar Compactica
Wall-E . . . ?

Correction, that's the Annoying One.
or for a fuller experience, the Annotated One.

Excuse me,
Gabriel Damon playing Hob in Robocop 2?

Thank you, Jay Sherman.

>> Actually, Kevin Smith's next movie will be about a man
>> surgically transformed into a walrus.
Seriously, Again!
Egad, how I despise recycled, reused tired old cliché Hollywood plots.
:-)       (for the humor impaired)

Kid Zoloft, you just made The List. 
(with apologies to Psycho)

Kid Zoloft, you just made The List. 
(with apologies to Psycho)

>>  If this is just the starting point of Amy and Sheldon’s sexual relationship,
>>  things have the potential to get really freaky for these two. Just don’t make us watch.
No, PLEASE make me watch!
I've been a Bad, Bad girl and should have to watch the Shamey.

>>  If this is just the starting point of Amy and Sheldon’s sexual relationship,
>>  things have the potential to get really freaky for these two. Just don’t make us watch.
No, PLEASE make me watch!
I've been a Bad, Bad girl and should have to watch the Shamey.