Rob Wynne

I've always wished that Brent Spiner and Tim Conway could have done a scene together. In anything.

On a podcast, I once referred to the Assassin's Creed series as "the best-selling games in the popular "Falling Off Of Buildings" genre."

The books are total popcorn adventure, and the whole narrative goes completely off the rails about halfway through the series, but Simon Hawke's "Timewars" novels did a pretty good job of creating a semi-coherent physics of time travel framework.

Maybe they only come back in whatever country currently has the most prominent empire.

I've always been somewhat bemused by that reading of the line. I took "There are always two" to mean "They always travel in pairs", not "There are never more than two in the galaxy at any given moment."

This felt like a scene out of an Ionesco play. I enjoyed it. :)

One of the things I love about Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy is how humanity learned to survive the zombie apocalypse because we had all seen zombie movies. George Romero is considered a bit of a folk hero as a result. :)

Huh. I always took this as being in a BDSM context.

I know I'm replying to a 3 year old comment with a reference to a movie that came out this year, but reading this made me bust out laughing.

My expectation for the next couple of years is that they will take the various storylines in books 4 and 5 and weave them together in a narratively coherent way (much as they've already started doing with threads from those books in seasons 3 and 4.)

I actually found it quite believable, after the incredible scene between her and Tyrion where he essentially throws her out, tells her she's not worthy of his affection, and never could be. *We* know he didn't mean it, and was only saying those things to upset her enough to get on that boat. We know that he was

I (and I seem to be one of the few) read that scene as him lunging to attack her and her going for the knife because she was being attacked.

Nothing would please me more than the TV series deciding to politely but pointedly ignore the entire Lady Stoneheart subplot. Completely.

I missed this when you were doing it, and stumbled across it looking for something else*, so I promptly did what any fan of SportsNight would do, which is read the entire series of recaps over the course of 24 hours. What a great ride, and thanks so much for doing it.

Some of the celebrity judges turn out to be surprisingly good at it (Christina Applegate leaps to mind as one who really knows her stuff and knows how to present a real critique.) Some of them, such as poor Carly Rae, turn out to be completely useless. (I'd really love for them to get Neil Patrick Harris for a week.

Just for fun, here's one to add:  Atari Force.

Just for fun, here's one to add:  Atari Force.