
WYTS used to be this snarky little feature that helped get me stoked for the impending season.

Ok, America, it’s time to chuck the entire sport of football in the ocean where it belongs (not to say assholes like this don’t exist in other sports, but football is practically designed to breed them).

lol, lighten up champ

I dunno man, I think it’s good that people talk about why they aren’t as interested in football anymore. Just the same way that if people make better decisions about the food that they eat, talking about it can help other people realize that they can make better choices too.

Good to hear they’re pressing charges. That kid’s too young for a Brazilian waxing.

God, Boston fans are the fucking worst. I made a little joke about Brady’s diet being bland and tasting bad and you have to tell me he has more superbowls than me? Seriously? Fuck you so hard.

In Soviet California Bol smokes basketball players.