Legal =/= Not impeachable. A non-compromised Congress might take a dim view of the president lying about financial deals with country we’re hostile with and that attacked our election, and changed US policy to be more friendly towards.
Legal =/= Not impeachable. A non-compromised Congress might take a dim view of the president lying about financial deals with country we’re hostile with and that attacked our election, and changed US policy to be more friendly towards.
Given how much money R* made with GTA5 Online this shouldn’t be surprising. It also shouldn’t be surprising if they make a lot more money.
what sort of 11th dimensional meta-chess President Donald Trump and his legal team are playing at these days
Too Bad He’s Also a Liar
Proud Boy Magazine
Anyone here read James Ellroy’s USA series of books? It was amazing to marvel at the group of incredibly professional and competent sounding operatives who believe they’re smarter than everyone else, slowly be revealed to be unbelievably incompetent blundering buffoons who seemed to be operating in a fantasy world of…
Filed to: No shit.
Putting More Cops in Schools Does Not Make Them Safer
Hard to blame him. His govt has no credibility. Just surprised to hear him admit it.
The “good guy with a gun” narrative is bullshit
to not demonize the men and women in duty without cause
Even if he survived, he’s been reduced to suing Netflix reboots of 90's tv shoes for IP infringement. He’s not doing well.
Given the historical perspective, unwelcome christian missionaries should absolutely be met with force. They are a threat to the lives and culture of the people they inflict themselves upon. I can’t believe this medieval shit still goes on.
I can’t believe you used the p-word!
Came to say the exact same thing. If their defense is freedom of speech, unblur their faces.
If we don’t act like xenophobic bigots, the xenophobic bigots will win!!
Satan doesn’t want any part of this asshat.
I loves me some Coen Bros, but yeah I gotta admit the completely unbalanced portrayal of “Indian savages” in 2018 struck me as incredibly tone deaf.
Agreed. I would support enlarging the ban to encompass all forms of religious expression inside the chamber. Leave that imaginary invisible old man in the sky shit at the fucking door of the place where you make the laws!