Kid, I’d like to buy the rights to your script! I see Sandra Bullock as the wife and let’s say... Ethan Hawke as the Harley owner. Wes Anderson to direct.
Kid, I’d like to buy the rights to your script! I see Sandra Bullock as the wife and let’s say... Ethan Hawke as the Harley owner. Wes Anderson to direct.
I passed Tim Blake Nelson on the street once and said to him very intensely “DO NOT SEEK THE TREASURE!” He looked a little freaked out for some reason.
The history of law enforcement’s support for white nationalism IS the history of law enforcement.
as far as
he’sall repubs are concerned, a Republican is ahead, therefore, the Democrat should concede.
I got my kid DVD versions (no commercials) of Gilligan’s Island, Scooby Do, Batman (‘66) and the Flintstones and loved watching them all together.
Seriously. Put less money into talking heads and more money into investigative journalism.
Nothing wrong with the candy hustlers, they can be completely ignored. It’s the mariachis that drive me crazy
He’s trying to stop further incriminating himself for obstruction of justice by denying to know Whitaker since clearly firing Sessions and replacing him with Whitaker adds to the rich tapestry of obstruction evidence if it can be shown Trump knew Whitaker had already decided the Mueller investigation is…
Jeez, not voting for someone because of their race is textbook racism. Who is Sanders trying to pander to? Or is he that ignorant?
God he looks decrepit
Best bet, the investigation idles for a few months then the House dems hires Mueller and his team for their investigation.
That is what is called in the Trump administration, a lie.
There’s your impeachable offense of the day: Threatening to abuse his authority to try to prevent the House from exercising it’s constitutional authority of oversight.
Viki Valencourt showed me her boobies and I liked them too!
I don’t know about all that. Given the realities of voter suppression and gerrymandering, despite big senate losses, Dems did remarkably well in the house with significantly better vote totals over repubs, somewhere over 9% I believe and incredible gains from their previous miserable position in the Governorship’s.
Thank you!
I gotta give this one to Trump. Given how racist, bigoted, corrupt, ignorant and compromised by our foreign enemies he is, any day that end with out him being marched out of the WhiteHouse with his family all in cuffs is a pretty big fucking win for him. That he can be the person he is and increase gains in the senate…
I didn’t know the details of this before, and still don’t I guess but I’d like to know more, but I heard one talking head last night reference the fact that apparently congressional repubs changed the rules regarding how subpoenas are issued to favor the party in the majority (obvs) and now that’s going to come back…
My polling place is in a very affluent neighborhood and it took me bout 20 min total. Lines moved quickly, plenty of poll workers. So maybe democracy isn’t working, but it’s certainly working as intended.