
Trump is famous for attacking back at anyone who attacks him. He’s acknowledged that this is how he operates and certainly his time as president has proven this. Which of course leads to the obvious question: Why doesn’t he ever attack back at Putin for attacking America?

Trump is famous for attacking back at anyone who attacks him. He’s acknowledged that this is how he operates and certainly his time as president has proven this. Which of course leads to the obvious question: Why doesn’t he ever attack back at Putin for attacking America?

That is the shit.

Youtube has higher standards than broadcast Japanese TV?

I assume it means ruining the immersive single player experience by tacking on a store and game developers being forced to engineer in-game dynamics that would make me want to reach for my wallet while playing.

I’m thinking she may have some kind of impairment.

I like it. Speaking of it though, I’d love to see Lilith back. She was the best part of Frasier when they were on Cheers.

Not blue collar, millennial hipster. One word: Manbun.

No idea, but if his kid was 3 or 4 at the end of Cheers in 93, he’d be 28-29 now.

And when Fraiser recognizes sometimes how he’s acting like his dad did, when he lived with him.

Jr. brings to mind something someone said about Kenneth Parcells on 30 Rock: He looks like a finger with teeth.

Frasier is the old man who now has to move in with his adult son. Comedy is conflict between boomer excess and millennials.

This is another one of those side-things that makes me hate Trump even more. Like for example, despite their long history of bigotry and absolute subversion of justice, now we all gotta have quivering lower lips and moist eyes about how noble and wonderful the FBI is. Now it’s the same with CNN. Fact is CNN

He’s only important because he’s democrat in the age of Trump

Agreed. We’ve hit Rome and Holland in Sept/Oct and it was so nice. The oppressing heat is gone, the crowds are down, the prices are down. We’ve also done late Spring (May) for all the same bennies.

Knowing how much shit women have taken, and still take, you won’t hear me saying he shouldn’t have resigned. After all if you say you want to fight sexism but only in a perfect way where no mistakes could Ben made then you’re essentially saying you don’t want to fight sexism. 

They’ve already decided. They elected one president.

Now playing

I’d be tempted...  God it would annoy my wife.

Reminds of Tommy on Parks & Rec

It’s not the stress. I just thought (could be I misunderstood) that I was to be exploring the galaxy. It’s a bit of a let down if every where you go,  there already  things happening.