In keeping with the standards of class, grace, intelligence and independence set by Mrs. Obama, Melania is allowed to watch whatever she wants to on tv!
In keeping with the standards of class, grace, intelligence and independence set by Mrs. Obama, Melania is allowed to watch whatever she wants to on tv!
And proving again what giant hypocrites repubs are, Trump is proposing a 12 billion dollar aid package for farmers hurt by his tariffs.
To conservatives ‘specialness’ is dependent on net worth.
Problem is this country has been brainwashed into thinking that not only do we have a unfettered free-market economy, but also that such a thing would be good. We need to run a massive education program starting with the simple questions:
Damn, he was in talks to direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Yes but that’s different because... he was on 21 Jump Street?
Yeah but he’s got the good taste not to joke about it publicly.
Sorry, you can’t pretend that the DNC hack didn’t have an impact. Trump ran on it heavily. The media focused on it heavily. There’s no honest way to argue that it didn’t have an impact. And also I said, it’s possible the Trump campaign received DNC analytics and drastically changed their campaign strategy right after.
Oh, to be sure Dems need to tighten their shit up. She was a poor choice. At the time I thought she’d win but I also thought that she was the candidate that gave Trump the best shot. Mistakes were made. However, again the majority of the voting population voted for her, not Trump. And given it was the Russians who…
She won by 3 million votes. And with what we now know about Russian interference with the election, your attitude is WAY off base.
We should recognize that words aren’t necessarily actions, and that Gunn doesn’t necessarily need to be treated as if accusations of behavior had been leveled against him. That being said, saying things like he said on a global platform was incredibly stupid and it’s completely understandable why Disney DISNEY would…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If other people can define your manhood for you, you ain’t a man.
So they’re innocent of the crime they were convicted of but because the prosecutors think they were involved with other crimes, they deserve to be punished for the crimes they didn’t commit. That sounds like typical American justice for black folks.
Well yes, your honor, this evidence does show my client robbed the bank, but it also shows he called ahead for an appointment with the bank manager because he wanted it to be above board. Very exculpatory evidence.
Allman Bros, “Stormy Monday” off Fillmore ‘72 album.
I do see your point and granted we’d want to tread carefully, but in this case, instead of giving Anton a forum to spread his views unquestioned, giving him the imprimatur of the Post’s respectability, such as it is, the Post could also investigate and then report on his white-supremacist views. Giving someone…
Because the base hates America and the GOP is re-election before country.
Trump, you can correct your language all you like but it doesn’t change two basic facts: