
At least Maddow had some old tax returns. This was was worse.

What a waste of time that interview was. Stormy and her attorney make accusations... and that’s it. We knew all that already. No evidence, nothing verifiable, no new info.

The thing is there are tons of good lawyers out there who are probably willing to work for Trump. Trump’s problem is that his legal issues are so large and he looks so guilty that good isn’t good enough. He needs the BEST lawyers. And the best lawyers are the best because they don’t take on incompetent guilty clients.

What’s going to hit Trump hard is when the media realizes that the fact that our govt now says the person who hacked the DNC was a Russian spy in the GRU working out of the GRU offices in Moscow means that the oft repeated claim that while the Russians interfered with our election, it can’t be shown they had any

I wonder if the “conflict” is the fact that diGenova once argued in a Wall St. Journal OpEd that presidents can be indicted while in office?

I decided to give this a pass when I found out

Thanks! We try. It helps we’re older and both on second marriages.

My wife has her old wedding pics. We go through them and laugh or admire how pretty she was as a bride. Even though that first marriage didn’t last, it doesn’t change the fact that her first wedding was obviously very special for her, as it should be, and it’s not a problem.

Doesn’t that mean he’s acknowledging he’s a rapist? After all, if he’s denying he’s a rapist, why would someone supporting rape victims have a bias against him?

They have the Page program

Aaaaaaaaaand, I’m spent. I wouldn’t just watch that movie, I’d take out a loan to help finance it.

If that’s snark, it’s pretty funny. If it’s not, it’s still funny, but at your expense.

Republicans Are Terrified Because Their Candidates Are So Fucking CrLazy

...go down fast and hard, crying all the way

I assume he wanted to engage in activity that would land him on the registry but didn’t want to suffer the consequences of being on the registry?

Fox News Personality? Fox News Watcher? Republican? MAGA? Etc...

It’s a common right-wing/Fox News dynamic: Decry any claim that minorities suffer because of racism while at the same time wail and gnash their teeth at the horror of the possibility of whites being a minority.

Tucker’s right! If whites lose the majority no longer will white people have the freedom of reading a headline about police murdering an unarmed innocent person in their own backyard and not worrying about it and going on peacefully about their day! Or the freedom of learning that a serial terrorist bomber who shares

No, Trump and Hillary topless on a waterfall!