TMZ is worse because it’s TMZ AND it generates press for Kathy.
TMZ is worse because it’s TMZ AND it generates press for Kathy.
“...he said, white supremacistly”
Never forget he had the gall to criticize NFL players protesting, saying they were being unpatriotic WHILE in Russia where he lives and has Russian citizenship granted by Putin himself.
Damn Michael! And I was so looking forward to seeing you at the cookout. Sad.
EA’s focus on “games as a service,”customers as marks.
I got bad news for you... it’s not your church that’s racist, it’s your country.
“whatever happened to family values?” Instead of instilling the values they actually believed in they surrendered their responsibility to do so to conservatives and their parasitical lobbyists and politicians.
If I live near the gym and I’m going straight home I’ll shower at home. Why wouldn’t I? It’s where I can sing loudly, badly and naked. I do that anywhere else I’m likely to be arrested. If I’m going somewhere else after the gym besides home, I shower there.
Telling isn’t it that Doug Paschall conflates hating the racism perpetrated by white people and hating all white people? It’s like even in his own mind he subconsciously recognizes that systemic nation-wide racism is so prevalent that even he can’t escape the trap of generalizing about all white people.
I didn’t think it was about warding demons, I thought it was rooted in the fact that back in the day a sneeze could be a precursor to death by disease, so saying “bless you” was basically saying “good luck with all that!”
I’m happy to wait a year to get this and South Park’s new game on sale for 20 or so bucks with all DLC
“They will never see the wolf. Even when it is chewing chunks of black flesh, they will call it an innocent little puppy”
Still, I would think the very existence of standing unchallenged laws banning knives would be an argument against gun nuts’ claims that the 2nd amendment bars the banning of guns.
I wonder why 2nd amendment supporters aren’t upset about laws that make knife ownership illegal? Or are they and I just don’t know about it?
You lost me at “tarot reader, Arthur Lipp-Bonewits” which now that the Onion is part of your group of sites, makes me wary of clicking on things that seem overly silly.
Ultimate fantasy: Trump is informed he’s been impeached and is facing serious federal prison time for treason, and he immediately takes one of the presidential pens and stabs Pence in the neck while screaming “I’M NOT GOING DOWN ALONE!!!”
To some degree yes, but the difference between a powerful rough scene getting out of control and the kind of behavior you need an NDA for is worlds apart, no?
What’s weird about this is that these kind of things happen. Harrison Ford punched Ryan Gosling during the filming of Blade Runner 2049. BUT why the need for a NDA? Is was an audition of a powerful scene, it got out of control. WHY THE NDA?!?