
I figure if they’re willing to work for him, the worst is already out.

Holy shit! That is a weak ass defense. Do you realize that you’ve done nothing but make yourself and by extension all Trump supporters look even stupider than we already know you to be? That was really pathetic. Come on, if you’re going to make up weak ass defenses like that, at least make them entertaining so we can

Whenever an old white hetero christian male talks about the good old days, you know someone is getting royally screwed.

Let us not forget the multiple lawsuits the govt brought against Trump’s businesses for discriminating against minorities in housing. That doesn’t happen to most non-racist people.

Lying sack of shit who disrespects the military and their sacrifices loves Trump. How amazingly, not odd!

Someone who demonstrably can’t rationally people shouldn’t be allowed to judge people.

Is this testing whether I’m a FLOTUS or my husband is an infantile moron crippled by insecurities and feelings of incredibly justified inadequacy, Mr. Deckard?

He lies like a 7yo who didn’t do his homework.

I’ll be good!

why did the way D&D designed 5th edition’s first black culture feel so lazy?

It’s all about appointing judges and verbally reaffirming their superiority. That’s all that matters. Trump could perform an actual abortion while appointing an appropriately conservative judge and they’d praise his name.

Yeah, he’s a colossal sack of fetid shit. And yes, we’d all like to know what it was he “signed up” for.

They didn’t write it into the law, but it’s generally understood that “Stand Your Ground” is for white people.

Over on Steam reviews are mixed. In addition to some people upset about bugs (Meh, day 1, whadday expect?) there are some serious gripes about day 1 DLC, repetitive in-game prompts to purchase stuff, and apparently RMT stuff that includes story missions. Some have said to have all content the game costs like 95 bucks.

So... they’ve got a patent on making me not want to play their games.

I don’t know... from the FBI and a lot of people in America’s perspective, black people not wanting to be murdered in the streets by the police is an extreme position.

Oooh I’m looking forward to this week’s ClapBack MailBag!

McCain railed the rise of “half-baked, spurious nationalism”

Yes, now that his career in politics is over, he’s found the courage to mildy speak up. *slow clap*