
Granted I agree it’s probably the publishers who are mandating RMT. Nonetheless, it’s the devs who then have to make the game with an eye towards dynamics in the game that might encourage me to reach for my wallet while playing.

If you need to explain how saying “all lives matter” is an offensive response to “black lives matter” tell them this:

“You can’t just say some shit and make it true. There’s no app for that.”

True but its not just the time, its the mind set. When they’re making the game are they thinking “Let’s make the best game we can so people buy it and enjoy playing it?” or are they thinking “What game dynamics can we put in the game that might encourage players to reach for their wallets while playing?” to the

No cheers til he apologizes for what he did to Tawana Brawley.

The thing I think about when I see RMT in games is that to some degree developers have to stop making the game so good that I want to play on it’s own and put effort into designing the game to make me want items that I can only get by not playing the game, by spending extra money,

“a way to find common ground in a world with many differing views.”

I wondered why Shadows of War had a tag of Gambling on Steam.

A few of thoughts on this.

I think if Joi had been an actual self-aware AI then it’s disappointing that the movie didn’t explore that new 3rd dynamic. If she wasn’t a self-aware AI then she was basically just a comfort item for K, which is a little interesting but in a 2:45 hour long movie, not that important. While I thought the actress did a

I figured given the stakes involved with what Wallace was trying to accomplish, which included breaking into the police station to steal all the evidence of Rachel’s existence and pregnancy and then killing the coroner and police Lt. to make sure no one knew, leaving K alive seemed like leaving a giant loose end lying

LORD these people are the walking embodiment of crass, rude, crude and trashy.

FBI Agent: Sir, black people are protesting because they would like the police to stop murdering them in the streets.

The movie was so visually and aurally overwhelming (Imax) that it wasn’t until we walked out that we were able to process what we’d experienced. And yes, we enjoyed it but LORD THAT WAS A LOT OF TITTY! And there was a certain shallowness to it.

I didn’t like Luv leaving K alive when she captured Deckard. It made no sense. It was one of those instances of bad storytelling for the sake of the plot.


Stupid kinja

Mr. Scorpion, to conservatives before they become mothers, they’re whores.

I’ve lived a wild and crazy life yet hands down the absolute best moments are when my young son climbs into our bed early Saturday mornings to wake us up and basically play on top of us while we try to try to desperately hang onto sleep. I treasure those moments. Love my family. I turn down higher paying jobs because

Dove soap... so good, it’ll wash the black out!