
Do they do buybacks? It used to be the norm when I was young, now it seems rare and I’m always pleasantly surprised when a bartender says “I got this one.”

Without pesticides and herbicides we couldn’t keep growing the population.

Some Scientists Since 1962 Think Widespread Pesticide Use Might Not Be So Safe After All

Brennan apologized for having a “sense of humor”

Sometimes I see images from fashion shows and catch myself feeling sorry for the models. I mean they look like underfed slaves who are forced to humiliate themselves by parading around in those, for lack of a better word “clothes” for the entertainment of their owners and their sycophantic coterie.

Planet coolness is based on the reaction people have when they see them through my telescope:

Interesting move, pretending to be ignorant to try to hide your racism. That your argument includes having the approval of white supremacists for the determination of their views, is hilarious.

Got glass doors for my kitchen cabs and put in a Hue 6 foot LED strip in there. God they look gorgeous.

Because white supremacy is predicated on the history of black people in the US, their slavery and the fact they were considered less than human. This history of this country is the history of white people believing and acting as if they were superior to white people. White supremacy is predominantly about black people

Sure but their treatment or their condition is irrelevant to the discussion of white supremacy. That you don’t know that is because you’re racist and ignorant. And regardless you still made the argument that because of how one black person was treated we can’t have systemic racism.

If the system was set up to specifically disadvantage POC, Obama would never have been president

Dismissing systemic racism because of how one person is treated is objectively and factually one of the arguments racist people make to deny racism.

“I’m not going to answer to that stuff, because they’re rumors”

Ah, but that’s what being a good candidate is all about, managing those perceptions instead of letting your opponents or the media do it for you. And that’s my point: Good person, probably good or great president, but lousy candidate.

Not ad hominem at all. Your positions are well established to be racist and ignorant.

Not ad hominem at all. Your positions are well established to be racist and ignorant.

Your points are so old, wrong and ignorant it’s pointless to argue with you. Given what you think, you clearly lack the faculties to know better.

That is some racist ass ignorant shit.

Thanks for proving my point

Also equating scientology to all those other religions just kind of proves Rimini’s claim. Only a scientologist would make that equation.