
Worry. There’s a mess of cliff hangers and a lot of the story is left unfinished. If no further games are coming, you’ll be disappointed.

Did you play the game? There are cliff hangers. Marketing doesn’t matter because most of marketing is bullshit. What matters is ME:A is clearly intended to be a multi game series, the ending of which proves it.

If you haven’t paid for the game yet, wait and if the sequel does come out, you can get ME:A for 10 bucks on sale.

Doesn’t matter how it was marketed, it factually is the first game in a series. It ended with so many cliffhangers that it’d be silly to play it without knowing if the series will continue.

I did read about the problems with animations but I didn’t read about why the characters are so ugly. What happened there?

There is a new patch coming out, I’d wait for that. HOWEVER given EA’s announcement that future development for ME has been shelved, I’d actually hold off until we find out if they’re going to actually make a sequel. What’s the point of playing the first game of a trilogy if they’re not going to make the next two

The normal amount.

But I want to see the Forest Spirit and Kodamas!

Apparently is an enormous pain in the ass to get to but if I had the opportunity I’d want to go to Yakushima. The place that was the inspiration for the magical forest in Princess Mononoke:

A. If they’re lies, it’s not a leak. If it’s a leak, it’s true.

More importantly, it should be noted that Comey could only have leaked things... If he’s telling the truth.

Ooh, nice GB2 reference. Don’t see that quoted often.

It’s worse than partisan. It’s out right hostile to anyone challenging white male Christian power.

But given evidence of illegal behavior, as the head of the FBI, does merely documenting it amount to anything? I would have thought as the head of the FBI he’d have had to take action given evidence of illegal activity. And in fact at least one senator (Repub of course) made that point.

He’s caught between the Rock of hating Trump, and maybe even wanting to do the right thing, and the Hard Place of being a spineless party stooge.

Another reason nothing will happen is because Comey was the head of the FBI, any wrong doing he accuses Trump of will be blunted by the fact he did nothing about it.

My take is: this means nothing because for congressional repubs it’s party before country. There are Repub senators already making excuses for Trump’s attempt to obstruct justice claiming he’s merely inexperienced in the ways of Washington D.C.

“their tantrums have been publicized way too often”

It makes no sense. When they’re hungry do they eat or do they pray the hunger away?

“The goal was to go back to what Mass Effect 1 promised but failed to deliver, which was a game about exploration”