
And without video evidence contradicting the police’s statement about what happened, would this cop have been charged, much less fired? I don’t think so. So for there to be real justice there also needs to be an investigation into why the discrepancy and charges for accessories after the fact for other police who

First the Central Park 5 and now this. Trump sure likes to accuse innocent minorities of crimes. I wonder if he’s racist or stupid? I’m kidding, I know it’s both.

Let us not forget, were it not for video evidence that directly contradicted his explanation of what happened, and his police chief who was willing to lie for him, this murderer would still be a cop, no charges.

Raft, shore, push.

maybe white folks just don’t care about all that racial appropriation mumbo-jumbo

Explain the studies that show resumes with white sounding names get a much higher callback rates than equally accomplished resumes with black sounding names.

You better hope it’s not a joke. Because it if it is, WHISHHHH! Right by you.

“He was never clear about what the end goal of those false flag operations is”

black people shot and killed by police while having real or toy guns

Sure, why not? What’s the difference what you call it, his behavior fits.

We always give immigrants the shittiest jobs.

You can have my hot glue gun when you pry it from my hand with some kind of solvent.

I don’t think he can’t read, I just think his whole life everything has been made easy for him, prepped and served up in the most simple easy way for him to digest. So he probably can read, he probably just hates doing it, and whenever he possibly can probably turns to an aid and says “break this down for me”

when it came to the final race (one that was, for better or worse, built so profoundly on charisma)

I never thought she’d lose but I did say hat she was the candidate that gave Trump the best chance.

If I had to guess it looks like a lot of people bought it for Zelda and wish there was more. I know mine will probably be collecting dust until Mario Odyssey comes out.

There has been a tremendous amount of discussion about our series ‘13 Reasons Why

A Trump of assholes.

It was unjustified. He was unarmed. The police claim he was backing up aggressively but not only was he not the driver, but the shot came in the front passenger window. No weapons were found in the car.

Regardless of whether they were correct or not in their assumption, the south seceded because they though they were going to lose their slaves. The war was about preserving the union because of slavery.