
This shit is some boring New York-centric in-fighting.

Every stripper I’ve ever seen genuinely wants to fuck me. It’s clear.

Yes sometimes when I pay for coffee they thank me profusely and even go so far as to call me “Sir”. So that totally means baristas, and all cashiers really, have the utmost respect and admiration for helping them out by buying stuff. You should see how kind wait staff is to me always checking up me and asking if I

Geriatric vampires?

Are there a lot of people who consider thin skin to be an admirable trait?

Missy Elliot is just a fucking genius. Her songs feel more modern and sexy and daring than anything on the radio now

I’m sure a lot of people are going to jump on my dick about this but she makes me deeply deeply uncomfortable. Blah blah wholesome role model for my kid blah blah...sure, but there’s an unsettling manic quality to her, and this rabidly capitalistic infantilism of a now 16 year old makes me kind of nauseous. Also I

“But though Menke’s assistant, Fred Raskin, stumbled with Django Unchained, he comes into his own with Once Upon A Time”

These method actors are getting out of hand

I never read babe again after the so-called Aziz Ansari hatchet job. That story was a mess - a poorly considered piece by an unprincipled and crusading editorial staff.

The fundamental problem I have with biological determinism is that it assumes — it must assume — that being male or female has a single valid range of expression.

This is some Patton Oswalt Parks & Rec-level shit and I am HERE FOR IT. More please.

Goddamnit, have your like you brilliant bastard!

I loved the movie, but I did find it odd that they spent so much time setting up the interesting concept that the past can’t be changed - you can’t go and kill baby Thanos - but you can borrow from the parts that previous films didn’t cover, provided everything gets put back where it should be to avoid any paradoxes..

Because if you don't return the stones, the timeline you took the stone from doesn't have that stone anymore. You have to put it back or you've doomed another universe.

does everyone hate clones? Angry Kiwi Fett snr was good , and one place ( the jedi library) is based on a local college hall here so I always got a buzz out of that.

I don’t know, there’s something fun and pulpy about Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith is just classic.

I would think Rise of Skywalker refers to Luke coming back as force ghost (with the word Rise taking on the biblical sense). If they want to get really crazy, they would take us to the Jedi afterworld where we can watch Luke hang out with Anakin and ObiWan and shoot the shit.

Ok, Jezebel, the commenters, women generally, are having some kind of weird existential crisis. Climate change may LITERALLY be ending life on earth as we know it, and this is where we want to spend our energy?? We need to focus on putting on a united front and getting a candidate out there who will beat Trump and who

To this day, when you think of Shakespeare, you think Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck, and Ralph Fiennes' brother.