Not sure if you caught the Dreyfus affair ref
Not sure if you caught the Dreyfus affair ref
Take care of your vocal chords
A cord is a thin, long, twisted fiber, like a tendon or nerve. The vocal cords are a pair of thin, vibratory membranes that laterally span the larynx. A musical chord is technically any two frequencies that share an ictus (timepoint as designated within the metrical grid of a…
Before and after Donald Trump was elected, Bannon spoke openly about wanting to be an agent of chaos, and considered the success Trump’s campaign enjoyed when Bannon and his push to rile the white supremacists took over, in that, he’s succeeded.
Can someone translate?
Yeah, just 52 films as writer-director, half a billion dollars in box office, and more Oscar screenplay nominations than anyone in film history. Woody Allen will stand as our l’affaire Dreyfus.
Rebecca Hall’s parents are Maria Ewing and Sir Peter Hall; doesn’t get any more inside than that.
(Oh — and my comment re Ms Tran isn’t the manuscript, lol)
Say, I do truly appreciate that — and the timing’s awful good. (Homeless again, but I delayed the suicide I’d vowed for that eventuality; I called three friends and, voilà, was answered by the third. I will, therefore, submit that manuscript before Thanksgiving!)
I’m genuinely curious as to what you mean. Are you saying that commercialized mass media trash sucks? Are you criticizing consumer capitalism?
I’m Latino, and I don’t like misogynistic game shows, large breasted women doing the weather report, or really cheesy soap operas — so I don’t watch them. I listen to Carmen…
Well it’s not poor research! I think it’s more like “because they promised it to him.”
(Or even “because the welfare and maybe the life of the stunningly beautiful young blonde white woman who with her boyfriend raised more than half a million dollars with zero effort and boasted about it online and tearfully lied to…
(And I love this site.)
Nearing the point?
Far and away the best comment here.
It’s even simpler, actually.
1) Give him the money, as promised.
Neither they nor anybody else has any f/ck/ng right to tell the guy how he has to spend it.
Sure. That would be the phraseology my suburban acquaintances (who enjoyed suburban interests) employed in reference to my black friends.
But, you know. The new generation is just wiping all that away! That’s why I’m never angry.
See I’m afraid both sides are essentially Trumpian. The fanboy animus is hyperdefensive racism, to be sure. But I hope Ms Tran is serious when she says she’s just getting started, because thus far she’s not an inspirational figure. She won the lottery when Disney cast her as a token minority, and the size of her role…
Yep yep yep. One of the reasons I’m glad I got a music phd (?!) is my sense of how nothing’s ever new. I love how La Juive was performed 600 times in the 19th century, how it opened the Garnier — and how now nobody’s heard of the damn thing.
They should do one of those studies to see if the good stuff/bad stuff ratio…
It’s a great show. But I’m ready for the curtain as well. On to bigger and better things — hopefully for all involved, including the great cast, but particularly of course Esmail.
Anyone know if he’s talked about future projects?
Yeah, for me it’s in the “wish I liked it, feel I should like it, just can’t stand it” category. And I could not agree more re the Times. Maybe I’m not as alone as I thought?
And the fact that I don’t know means that I haven’t been catching up on the reviews, as I once did — which in turn makes me worry that the…
Thanks, for those very interesting thoughts; I’m trying to understand the position of the left on this and I really am having difficulty. Oh and of course I know that “ethnic” names, quote unquote, were changed in old Hollywood, vaudeville, music hall, and beyond. But this is not Weimar; and one of the important…