
I resent the ideo of calling J Jonah Jameson a villain. Yes he personally was responsibe for funding the creation of the Socrpion and the Spider Slayers but his character is a lot more comples than that.

It’s because he could be doing much better than middle of the pack if he was actually trying to help people instead of hurting them. His actions will make things worse, not better. He is deserving not just of attention, but the most scornful media attention possible. He should be working for the betterment of his

He is a subject of national coverage because he has courted national coverage. The media is obsessed with him because sometimes the media does something right? The fact that he’s getting a lot of coverage just may not be evidence that he...doesn’t deserve to get a lot of coverage, which seems to be your main argument. concerned about our feelings, really? I don’t think so. I think there’s like a phrase for that, right? 

DeSantis became governor willingly; therefore, the fact that he’s on the television a lot is, in fact, De Santis’ decision.

It’s more a “here’s who’s doing hateful things now”. See, that leads to “Here’s who we hate now”. The fact that “we hate him now” doesn’t mean in any way he’s not deserving of it. 

It’s because he’s not doing anything to improve the situation. He’s throwing gasoline on the fire, not water. That is more that deserving of ridicule.

Here’s a fact. Australia has a few million people more than Florida - but we’ve lost less than a thousand people while Florida’s lost over 30,000 people to this pandemic.

So, wherever you live, would you be happy if your death rate was merely average and your governor was doing nothing to help get it below average, or as far below average as you can possibly get, and in fact, was enacting laws that are very likely to make things worse?

Their death rates from building collapses is super high’re an idiot 

why are you so eager to defend a wanna be authoritarian ? c’mon man, the guy is basically putting people at risk out of petulance and as a way of appeasing Trump and you’re defending this dumbassery 

First, people are mad at Doug Ducey - weird that you didn’t know that. Second, “why aren’t people as mad at the term-limited outgoing governor, who is not viewed as a likely GOP Presidential contender, of a state with a third of Florida’s population” is so dumb a question that it really doesn’t need to be taken

Maybe because he or she has not been striding across the national stage blaring arrogantly stupid things about masks and mandates, and monetizing his pointless resistance to common-sense public health guidelines.

Because he’s doing a spectacularly poor job on a big stage for reasons that are terrible at best and outright malicious at worst, while using his power to make sure that other leaders within the state are forbidden from attempts at mitigating his harms.

Let me ask you: why is defending him your focus? There are other

The big thing right now is that he’s using state authority to override local authority, which is pretty standard during a crisis. But he’s doing so to prevent local authorities from enacting public health measures, for example by threatening to withhold funding from schools that require masks. It’s bizarre and

Are you vaccinated?

I’m not sure how smart he is. But he is a monster for letting the virus run rampant through his state and encouraging people to die.

I mean this sincerely: it’s a deadly disease and focusing on the immediate death thing generated headlines last year, properly. Kids are, admittedly, more resilient to a lot of the death part, but we’re likely sentencing Florida’s children to decades of long term I’ll effects so pictures of Florida can look mask-free

If he’s not stupid, then he’s doing all of this evil shit on purpose. I suppose if that’s preferable to you, then okay.

Case rate they’re not doing so hot, and as with everything else during the past 18 months, looking at current stats shows you where you were two weeks ago, at best.

Going to Yale and Harvard is no guarantee of intelligence, certainly not a lock for the type of competence it takes to run a state. At his base, DeSantis is a political hack and a bully