
“Also, people love to just point out black on black crime statistics, but so much of that is gang/drug/poverty related, and centuries worth of slavery, de jure segregation, de facto segregation, the racially-motivated and racially-enforced war on drugs, and so many other governmental and societal short-comings are a

Trump is pretty much everyone’s nightmare everything. He is literally the worst everything. President, father, businessman, husband, employer, human being, ad infinitum. What is he not a nightmare at?

Say what you want about Stephanopoulus, but he knows how to handle a dissembling blowhard. He did it everyday for years with Clinton. The difference here is that Clinton is actually intelligent. Trump is a complete syphilitic dullard who has to be fed a steady diet of Adderall and nootropics to keep him awake let

Even if you had zero background on any of this, you’d never heard of Trump, and weren’t familiar with American politics or laws, he just sounds like the guiltiest motherfucker that ever committed crimes.

I don’t really know what we as a people are supposed to do when the laws are so flagrantly being ignored and the people tasked with enforcing them (mostly Congress in this case) have chosen to completely abdicate their responsibility.

[This is getting repetitive:] Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Republican Party, “The party of law and order,” and “the party of personal responsibility.”

White People like him because they feel his is punishing the people they hate. And something else, they admit to admiring him for his bad traits. Contrast that with Obama who people said had good qualities as a leader, intelligent, compassionate, inclusive, even if they did not like his policies. Trumps supporters say

How the fuck are we in the middle of a “war on terrorism” but it’s not even technically illegal up in this shithole???

According to 23andMe, Elizabeth Warren is 99 percent white (and one percent from the Dolezal tribe)

which leads me to think that wypipo never honestly believed he could fix anything. Trump is their way of telling POC “if we have to go down, we’re taking everyone with us”. 

When my fellow whites are comfortable enough to think I am on “their side”, they have always said the same racist shit you hear now from the “alt-right” and other supposedly new racist phenomenon. Not a damn thing is new. These folks don’t give a shit about policy, ethics, morals or decorum. They want their man who

Writing about white people, white voters or the white vote shouldn’t upset white people or impugn my journalistic integrity any more than it does when Politico, the Washington Post or the New York Times talks about “black voters” or “the black vote.”

“In fact, Donald Trump’s unapologetic level of bigotry and prejudice might be the only arena in which he excels. He has shown no particular acumen in foreign policy, domestic policy, economics, diplomacy, compassion, problem-solving, reading, writing, arithmetic, talking, spelling or speaking for more than 10 seconds

Not a word is out of place in this well-crafted essay. 

I, as a white man, cannot disagree with this in any way.  I am the only member of my family not to vote for Trump in the last election.  I hear my parents rail about how he acts, how vulgar he is, how the deficit goes up, the lies and everything.  And yet... they voted for him. 

And true to form you have white people trying to police black people. These bitch ass Republicans all out of order telling Rep. Fudge that she is out of order and interrupting her to do so.

The GOP and the bigoted idiots and corrupt fascists who vote for them are the literal worst

The issue here is about the FBI’s classification of activist groups such as BLM and whether those groups have committed violence. You refer to individual acts, but the author isn’t denying those things have occurred. BLM does not advocate committing violent acts against LEOs. They “spout on” violence done to

Now playing

Feds: Upon further investigation, we have determined White hate group are the real threat.