
Like I said, I'm lazy most of the time. You try making food on a Sunday with a hangover and two screaming children.

Guy Fieri's diarrhea is buffalo chicken dip.

If you've never had buffalo chicken dip, do yourself a favor and follow this recipe for making it:

Tostitos are my go to with buffalo chicken dip. Baby carrots are a healthy alternative. I also like making pita chips myself and using those.

I've created a monster

You know, you may be onto something. I can see it now: Marinara sauce dip. Vodka sauce dip. Pesto dip. Burneko, you're a genius (aside from your buffalo chicken dip hatred).

Here's hoping Albert's favorite, crab dip, goes down in flames against the powerhouse that is the seven layer dip.

"Well, eating the placenta is supposed to be healthy, right?"

If Buffalo Chicken Dip doesn't win the whole damn thing, I'm going to find people to donate their votes over the next couple years to make a mockery of this voting process.

As a former journalist who had very, very good and protective editors, I see why Simmons wrote his Letter From The Editor piece the way he did. Hannen is receiving death threats. People hate this guts. Simmons' piece is so much about him because he's trying to take attention away from the writer he and his editing

Drew clogged the toilet at Gawker HQ again, huh?

Too many assumptions to instantly write it off. I like that they were thinking progressively. Even though I do share your concerns over Microsoft dictating prices, I could see a system where you could buy a download code discounted from a retailer like Target, Gamestop or Amazon for less than the XBL price.

Good to hear that he's a nice guy. My wife, who is a Cleveland Browns fan and therefore hates football, always gets a kick out of the exaggerated way Carey calls holding. We both get excited when we see he's calling any game we're watching.

I dunno...the way Mike Carey viciously moves his arms on holding calls makes me think he could beat the shit out of me (and everyone) just like Hochuli.

My son had colic for his first three months of life. One night, while it was my turn to watch him and let my wife sleep, it was too much; I hadn't slept well in days, I hadn't eaten, and I was generally miserable. His crying wouldn't stop and I almost threw him across the room.

No parent likes to admit it, considering people judge you as a horrible human being. But sometimes it gets to be too much.

Having had two children, I can offer two thoughts. First, definitely not an accident. Babies are not anywhere near as fragile as you'd think. Second, when babies are young, like one to four months, it can be easy to get annoyed at them due to sleep deprivation. That doesn't forgive what this guy did — he's a prick if


Best game for the original NES? I'm partial to RBI Baseball.

Cross between the sound of a bong hit, Kate Middleton climaxing, and Nick Oliveri screaming on QOTSA's "Millionaire"