
I had never seen photos of the old Penn Station. My god, what a beautiful building. Since I've moved out of NYC, the only times I come back to visit always involve navigating the current Penn Station, which has to be one of the seven circles of Hell.

I think the fact that the company puts on an unprofitable awards show to fellate itself is bad enough. Couple that with the fact that millions are spent on this stupid award show while decent workers get laid off from the WWL, and you probably get a better reason.

Best Book to Read at Baseball Game

My son is showing an escalating interest in music, which I'm totally happy about. But I'm having a hard time deciding on the direction to nudge him....drums? Piano? Guitar? Singing? Which is the preferred direction fathers of rock star kids?

I need a good ruling here. My new neighbors held a welcoming party a few weekends ago. They don't have kids, so they don't have a swingset. Our yard, however, does. My kids (2 & 3 years old) basically got knocked off their own playset by a few of the punk kids who attended the party. Neighbor dude wandered over after

A few years ago, Weezer did a similar type of cruise and rumors have sprouted that they'd do it again. So for white liberal dudes, there's that...

Over on Gawker, Cook dismissed those new mens asswipe things, saying that people should learn to grow up and just wipe their ass with toilet paper. I won't defend those new mens wipe things, but as a father of a 3 and 2 year old, I can't lie and say I haven't used a diaper wipe on those particularly bad days of swamp

I've never stolen anything in my life from a retail store, and yet every time I walk thru those anti-theft gates at the store exits, my brain instantly begins to worry that I am gonna get caught with something. First, does this happen to you, and second, what the fuck?

Nov. 19? Does that mean we can expect the next gen consoles by then as well?

You should probably do some more research next time. The property that was the site of the Wounded Knee massacre (in real life) is being put up for sale by the aging owner. There is obviously a lot of uproar about this from Native Americans who wish to preserve the land. Do some easy Web searches and you'll find that

Those Friday nights in Philly are a blast.

Hilariously, I clicked on a link at the bottom of htis page to a Gizmodo story, which I then couldn't read until a video ad for—you guessed it—SimCity completed.

I take my kids to Target every weekend to give my wife time to relax. Every time, I get paranoid when I'm leaving and I have to walk through the theft detectors. I pay for everything, obviously, and have never ever thought about stealing. But I can't stop worrying that my kids are going to have to watch daddy get

Wow. Well done, sir.

"Off the radiator grill, off the hood, off the fire hydrant, onto the sidewalk....nothing but net."

Should we already start bracing for the "rehab project" stories from idiot writers after Belichick drafts Te'o in the first round?

Should we start hating the idea of Belichick drafting Te'o near the end of the first round because of all the stories about another rehab project for the Patriots?

Who has been the most difficult athlete you've ever had the displeasure of dealing with?

Lots of really good points. I can't help but think that Curt Schilling's 38 Studios might have had a different fate had they been more open about the game. Perhaps they could've generated more gamer excitement, which in turn would get them noticed by more investors who could've kept the company afloat, at least for a

+1. I can't think of any job where you'd keep quiet about child rape in order to earn a paycheck. Totally irresponsible and disgusting.