This is not revolutionary, but bringing my lunch to work and drinking the free coffee at the office. I used to have a bad habit of spending a lot of money on both of those things.
This is not revolutionary, but bringing my lunch to work and drinking the free coffee at the office. I used to have a bad habit of spending a lot of money on both of those things.
Yeah, mine’s definitely not a 1:1 ratio. Just like a vague inter-dispersal.
Alternate bites, with the best item being both the first and the last bite.
I’m a father of 2 boys, ages 5 and 2, with another (undetermined) on the way. I am interested in breaking some cycles that have been present in my family for a few generations and in raising sons that are emotionally aware, physically active, and intellectually curious.
I frankly don’t eat fast food often enough to know the menu by heart, and if I do eat it, it’s kind of a special treat so I want to optimize the experience and not just order the first thing that comes to mind. Sorry if that takes 40 more seconds.
I feel that way now, but I needed something to get me over that initial hump. I was drinking consistently enough that a hangover was just kind of a default. I needed something to remind me that it was even possible not to feel that way.
On the Have Something to Go Home To front: I used to work in restaurants. As the stereotype goes, that meant that I was a mostly functional drunk. As I started my second decade of that lifestyle, I was getting tired of it but didn’t know how to shift my patterns. Then I got a dog. After work, my coworkers would be…
We started this as a way to avoid the pitfalls of “How was your day?” dinner conversation with our then-3-year-old: at dinner we all answer “What was the best part of your day? What was the most challenging part of your day? What are you looking forward to? What are you grateful for?”
I used to have an ‘83 70cc Honda Passport. Man, I miss that thing.
The right seriously thinks it is easier to undermine the fundamentals of democracy than it is to find an ideologically aligned candidate who isn’t repugnant.
The Red Mars series.
I pray for the day that gun violence has been tamed to the point that our police are this bored.
I had this conversation with my wife recently. We have some cash from an inheritance that we’ve been meaning to invest, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. We were discussing the news and the liklihood of a recession, and I said “Well, if things crash again, at least it’ll be the perfect time to invest that money.”…
I love this soundtrack. It’s my writing-in-noisy-coffee-shop music.
AWD Electric Transit is what I want. Come on, don’t let me down.
It really showed a fundamental lack of understanding and eyeballs.
I was a mostly fully-formed human with thoughts and taste in the late 90s, and Friends has always been awful.
Trump is “mad at Fox News” because he knows he’s going to lose in November and he’s laying groundwork for the launch of his own network, which was always the plan except is was delayed by his surprise electoral college win.
I know this pain. This is a word that is so often misused that it is in danger of having its meaning irrecoverably altered.
Obviously you don’t work in marketing.