Rob S.

Ignoring the 2008 Volvo S80 that’s a typo at $9,999,999 on eBay, I get this 1966 Ferrari 275GTB, which is only 30 miles away, for $3,150,000:

My father is currently shopping for a car, and he’s eliminating cars from his list of candidates solely based on whether or not the car’s backup camera has parking lines THAT MOVE based on the steering angle. Fixed parking lines = no dice. I think he’s insane, but I don’t want to tell him that. What should I do?

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Going old school to vote for NES’ Blades of Steel. “Fight Mode” was the best!:

Carriage lights on the C pillar; they don’t put light that’s useful in any way:

OMG, that’s a yellow Duocar from “The Ambiguously Gay Duo” cartoons. Waiting for Ace and Gary to step out of it....

Having been to Iceland and having tried to navigate around a bit, I’m half of the belief that they way they come up with words is to put a handful of letters in a blender (plus a few umlauts and other non-standard characters), pulse the blender a few times, and pour out the results on a table. Any letters that land

He could pull a Bobby Valentine and show up on Top Gear in a mustache and sunglasses, telling everyone he's "Jerry Clark."

I haven't gone through all the replies to see if anyone else has suggested it, but what about a 2016 Volvo XC90 T8 Twin Engine, or, if Volvo makes it, a Polestar version of it? The V60 Polestar is gorgeous, but I'm not sure it's big enough for his family.

Even this map is somewhat misleading. I live in Stamford, Connecticut (in Fairfield County), and only a small part of Greenwich, CT (the next town over to Stamford's west, right on the NY state border) has FiOS coverage. The rest of Fairfield County has zero access to FiOS. Meanwhile, I'm 5 miles away stuck with

It's not Android 4.2; it's Cyanogenmod 11S, which is based on Android 4.4.2. Plus, they've promised to update the phone to Lollipop within 90 days from release, which should be in the next few weeks.

They have a 64gb version for $350.

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Gene Simmons (yes, that Gene Simmons) used this tech in his 1984 smash hit with Tom Selleck, "Runaway."

As one who pumped gas years ago, have to say that hidden gas fillers are THE WORST.

Jeep Wrangler; can hose it out...heck, you can take the door off the hinges to allow unimpeded wretching access to the pavement below. Plus, the fresh air will do you some good.

Going to take my driver's test as a newly-minted 17-year old (the licensing age in NJ) on my 17th birthday, I was incredibly nervous. As my mother drove me to the testing facility, she could see how stressed I was, so she made a suggestion: "Honey, if you're nervous, just make some idle conversation with the

Per the Blues Brothers, all you need to go 106 miles to Chicago at night is a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, and sunglasses.

Where's the driver's helmet / harness? Nice example you're setting for the young'n....

Seat belt interlocks. I remember my father's 1970's-era car had a seat belt interlock that wouldn't allow the car to start/run if the driver's seat belt wasn't fastened. We had a long-ish driveway, and he'd complain that he'd have to turn the car off in order to stop at the end of the driveway to get out and check

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Toyota, it seems, had this idea - or something very similar to it - a few years ago, and they made a promotional video about it. Found a copy of the video here:

$375 for a single-disc CD player, circa 1985.