
Welp, at least Mary Steenburgen looks hot.

No idea he was in Doctor Who! Off to IMDB to determine which season…

Can you please provide me with the name and author of the book? Seems like something I might enjoy. Is it a fictionalized account of actual events or a historical novelization like an Erik Larson product?

This I'll pay money to see. In a theater.

I aint. It was dreadful! Terrible movie might have been made a tad better with a lead character/actor you could get behind, but his performance just drained away any interest I could muster.

Group hug?

Between FBR and I'm Your Man you have an artist working at the pinnacle of his talent. My ex and I saw him during the IYM tour and it was glorious.

Welcome to the fold Stan. One of my deepest joys was bringing my late beloved Suzanne to his music about 15 years ago. We shared a deep passion for his work. His music has resonated with me for years and became even more personal as I grew older.

I cant even right now…

Stanton's book is the best of the three or four I have read regarding the loss of the Indy over the last 40 years. 5 out of 5 in my opinion. I had hoped a decent movie would be made some day, but all those hopes sank when I saw the trailer for this movie.

A- because not enough Bad Janet.

Lithgow hosting a game show? Hmmmm…Lithgow hosting a game show…
Yup! I'd watch it!


That kinda choked me up. I'll be looking for it when it comes out.

D’Arcy Carden's Janet is my favorite part of this excellent show. The thought of there being a "bad place" Janet is delicious!!

I'd been a fan of hers for years but her Belle was IT for me. She nailed her scenes….hilarious!! She held her own with O'Toole…Her "Does it really Swanee?" just cuts right into the heart.

It took a second watching after your comment to notice that it was indeed Gjokaj!

I want to see her play a villain.

Oooh….creepy face in the rocks at :46…

This trailer is all sorts of awesome, but my favorite part is at 1:43. Jyn in the DS crew helmet…those eyes!!!