
This show is helping ease my Broad City withdrawal symptoms. The whole manic bit had me gasping for air in empathy! I've been a fan of her standup for several years now, but there is so much more to Bramford.

Bewbs. Beeeewwwwbs. Bewbs.

Now a movie version of Pournelle and Niven's "Inferno" would get my attention. This? Not so much…

My SIL runs a rescue for dogs with special needs. Sick, injured, old, deformities, disabilities; the ones that will be euthanized first. I have fostered three and two legged dogs, blind, deaf, old…adopted a few of them. They dont care they are at a disadvantage. I love this.

Man, this stank up my office. Amusingly, my brother once worked for a limo service in LA whose clients included an exclusive call girl service. Wrote a screenplay about it.

I had been a fan of Forbes since her Ensign Ro days, but her performance as Caine was hair-raising good. The separate mini series Razor, fills in a lot of the backstory…Caine's relationship with that Six she tortures later is particularly well done.

Thanks for this esw. An e-hug to you.

I lost my beloved a year ago next week. That crater is fucking huge. I had not heard about his loss. Wish I could give him a hug.

Looks like my brother's artwork from Junior High. He got better…

Thank you NETFLIX!!!

The actress is beautiful and played the character very well! The Robocop dance off the floor, then the belated wedding dance at the subway station! Delightful!!

One of the funniest punch lines I have heard in years! This show slays me.

I fudging love this show!!!!

Will there be any version where the bewbs arent pixilated? Cause thats the one I want to see…

Avoid the books "written" by his son! Awful…painfully awful…

…gaaahhhck…mind bleach pleeeze!

Any word on who might be streaming it?

I recently dated a woman who acted, sang, and modeled in the early 90s, and was in three of Collin's music videos. She said he was a really sweet guy who interacted with everyone on the sets. Very down to earth and approachable.

More Anna Chlumsky shoulders please!

Fairville aint no "back lot burg"! They shot most of the exteriors in and around my town of Santa Paula, California.