
Did anyone else think of Nick while watching Oscar Isaac in TFA?


Blackadder's Christmas.

Mom a polka band groupie? Nice call back to SCTV and the Shmenge bros.

As one who actually got his "eye shot out"* by a "friend" with a Daisy BB gun when I was a kid, I LOVE this movie!

"Not the worst Wednesday night I've ever had…"

This and Valerie not screaming "SHES 16 YEARS OLD" to Dave left a bad taste in my mouth. The whole season was like a wonderful meal, with great drinks, and fabulous desserts, spoiled by a stale mint.

Exactly! I started reading the first one and was hooked, immediately ordered the others and read them through. After I finished them, I bought Erickson's Road To Stalingrad and Road To Berlin due to their reviews. I could barely get through the first few chapter of Stalingrad…thick with names and movements, very

Thank you for the link! That made me sweaty! I like how the camera switched to the sax player when Janis started backing up to Tom. Sooooo good!!

If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend The Third Reich Trilogy by Richard Evans. Both of the first two go into some detail how Hitler first used Christian supremacy language in his early speeches, then how he suppressed Christian organizations after 1933.

But perhaps Hitler's health might have remained robust had his armies not been defeated as they were in our timeline. He would have been "only" 72 in 62. In the novel "Fatherland" he was 75.

So was this pilot the same as the one they showed earlier in the year, or slightly different?

This I would like to see Andrew. Is it buried deep in Youtube?

And there was much rejoicing!

Fucking amazing mash!!! Those hoofers were heroes…incredible physicality.

I want to add that I really like the ten episode run. Reminds of of British shows that run short "series". It feels to me that the performers, writers, directors can concentrate better than if they were in the "traditional" 23+ episode format. Episodes seem richer, fuller.

Beautiful episode. A bit heartbreaking for me as I lost my beloved this past May (we were together 10+ years), and this brought back memories of our life together. Ansari and Wells brought a strong sense of reality and naturalness to their performances. Even if I hadn't already come to appreciate him as so much

I have watched all 10 episodes and am delighted with what Ansari has done. Short stories laid over a solid story arc. Old People was great, but there are a few more outstanding episodes coming folks.


I have high hopes for this. Ritter as a badass gives me the tingles.