
Just started season 1 through Amazon Prime.

Tanks for that suggestion! Checking out her channel…funny stuff there!

Chatsworth is also home to the largest US manufacturer of sex toys.

OFFS! Phil is a SALESMAN!!! That whole sub-plot rang way false for me.

Tease us with that and dont supply a link? Shame on you! Shame, I say!!


This show. Damn. This episode was fantastic. Kudos again to the writers and actors that can take a peripheral character, give them a line or two, and have them be complete individuals.

Depressed, suicidal. Sylvia Plath reference.

I think Cece is key…she's an excellent straight man.

Loved this episode. Laughed out loud and shed a wee tear at the end. Best of the season for me.

I like Allison Miller's Julia. And it was nice to see Freddy given a little depth.

And cat videos.

Guess I should have read ALL the replies =)

Recall that early in season 1 there was mention about the "monsters" that came to the village where Skye was born, killed everyone and some disappeared. That was Hydra kidnapping the people they took to Austria.

And those cartoon eyes =) that comment was hilarious!

I came to the US from Argentina with my family when I was 8 years old. I did not speak English other than the basic dog, cat, house, etc I was taught in 1st grade. Within six months of our arrival, I had almost completely forgotten my Spanish. When my grandmother came up a year after we did, my brother and I had to

The fast cuts at the beginning sucked…would have preferred that better timed.

I'm thinking Ward is going rogue. He's only working for himself now.

The reason the show was up and running from the start is that they had a couple years of their web series to hone their act. It's on Youtube and well worth the watch!

This isnt premiering soon enough. GAAAAD I love these two!!!!