
Absolutely. We don't know if Tony Jaa really died, so a fight between him and Uwais as a team member in the next one would be fantastic.

Who should get added to the crew now? My vote is for Iko Uwais, and I hope Greatest Actor of His Generation Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has more than bookending cameos in Fast 8.

I have no idea what's going on in that picture. I need to see this movie.

Citizen Kane is less interesting than Deadly Premonition.

A little confused what Glenn Greenwald was doing at the Emmys.

Certainly not. I always dismissed it but American Slang has much better, catchier songwriting overall. 59 Sound can be a little one-note. And pretty much every song Heller doesn't like here (besides Stay Vicious, that song is awful) I prefer. "Get Hurt" is very catchy and "Break Your Heart" has some of his best

To be honest it's less distracting than in many of Pizzolatto's short stories, where he doesn't integrate the philosophy into the narrative so much as have a character directly quote and attribute it, as in "Dogen calls it…" which is infinitely lazier.

Green Day didn't even stand the test of present so of course not.

I have a hard time conceiving of actually using one of these.

My favorite bit of this is during the chase scene, where the camera pans by the outside of an old clothing store, with dummies in the window, and Ferrell is pretty hilariously posing as one. Classic 'ruin the joke by explaining it', but I cracked way the hell up when I saw that in theaters.

It's a fun movie but the structure is a little screwy. It spends a ton of time building the world, establishing Bale's community, the power struggles, etc, and then just kind of jumps to the final confrontation. I figured they would be sneaking around London, murdering dragons, but it's over very quickly.

I want those mint condish Du records.

A statistic is not necessarily meaningful until one interprets it. So if men are quoted 3.4 times as often as women on the NYTimes front page, you should look at: what articles are running on the front page? What fields generally have expertise in these areas? What are the gender breakdowns in these fields? And

I definitely have that exact flannel shirt. #jcpenneycrew
Also, always good to see AV Club covering bands like La Dispute.

She's in school, I believe. Believe it or not, I think she's a sophomore in college at this point.