If only they can figure out a way to shows a series out of order and keep changing when it’s on so it never grows a proper fan base.
If only they can figure out a way to shows a series out of order and keep changing when it’s on so it never grows a proper fan base.
Everyone who complains about how cheap the TV version looks needs to be reminded all the computer animation is NOT actually computer animation. It’s all HAND-DRAWN.
Mate why spend 10 minutes on this when I can just watch the music video to Weezer's Pork and Beans lol.
I’ve grown pretty tired of the “Let’s breakdown every frame of this trailer and what it all means” form of video these days. They tend to lead to rampant speculation and theories/predictions based on (sometimes purposely) misleading scenes and edits. Then people get attached to those things and bitch and moan when…
1. Any title wasn’t going to be good enough. I like this one.
The ‘Kerds’ guy is a relatively famous Canadian board game YouTuber, and his pronounciation of “cards” has become something of a good-spirited meme. That’s why he wears that shirt.
Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly…
How is it financially sound to spend $250M on the rights alone?
Yeah but “Amazon” isn’t writing or directing the series. They’re hiring other people to do so for them. Presumably people who have some love for and/or connection with the original work.
As someone else has pointed out before, credit should be given to Columbus at least for laying the template for the look of the films and playing a part in casting the main characters.
Curious if you even tried to read the article, since this definitely seems in response to the headline
Part 4 is considered by both anime fans and manga fans as one of the best parts so I'd recommend at least giving it a try. Stands never leave the series.
Part 4 is far better than Stardust Crusaders, but stands exist from now on in every part. They weren’t very interesting in part 3, but they will get far more exititing
Agreed. The thing that pisses me off about the dumbing down of America is that people aren't learning to make evidence-based arguments. There's this culture being bred of "your feelings matter". They don't. You have to persuade me to agree with you and a good persuasive argument is ethos, pathos AND logos.
"This thing is not as good as this thing. My opinion is better than yours. You say stupid stuff, I am always right."
Wow, I was expecting some actual analysis of the game, some reasons to back up why the game mechanics, level design, art direction, or story for Earthbound wasn't so good...but nope I got another "I didn't like it, so it's not that good" opinion posts. It's so easy to have an opinion that a popular game doesn't…
Actually no, that was return of the king by rankin-bass, who did the initial hobbit movie not bakshi,