Beer Conquerer

Flip those bars upside down and really get in touch with your inner Cunningham...

Christ on a Bike, this is a bicycle version of a David Tracy Jeep article. (not in a bad way, no negativity intended)

Roller cam brakes fit squarely in the looks cooler than it works category. Enjoy fidgeting with them endlessly :) 

Nascar has never been a huge fan of Live Streaming.

Website infamous for its snark and distain for modern vehicles upset about snark and distain for modern vehicles from its users.

It will probably be a good car, but the design feels phoned-in. It looks like everything else they make...boring. There doesn’t seem to be anything special about the design that, to me, makes it worthy of the Integra name. It’s like when GM just slapped a Pontiac badge on a Monaro and called it a GTO. Sure it was a

The bar has a great selection

Did we all miss the line that he donated $28 million to charity. Seriously, nothing pleases you people. eh?


On September 1, 2020, Musk lopped off an even bigger chunk of shares: 36,375 of them for a total haul of $17.5 million. Less than a week later, Tesla was left off a list of companies to be included in the S&P 500 — causing the stock to have its largest single-day drop in history.

You are misusing it. That is for WRX owners to keep the hat brim crispy flat.


It’s ok, the first thing I’m planning to do when I buy my next vehicle is disable that system anyway. 

Joe Manchin says that he agrees with only the first part of your sentence. Fuck Joe.

Myself, a person not in software/IT, always enjoys the tickets that get labelled as complete followed by opening a new ticket for the unsolved problem so that the helpdesk shows a better average response time. One of my clients loved to do that to me.

Whenever stuff like this happens, the pessimist in me always assumes that they didn’t do this as a “bite off your nose to spite your face” move, rather, they did it so that everyone doesn’t see what kind of data they’ve actually been collecting on us. They’re not paying cellular charges and equipment on every single

I’m in software development. I can’t tell you how many time I’ve seen ticket responses from developers and from myself that look like this:

Yes, please do this so that the kid’s lawyer can ask for a mistrial.

I’m sure people will find out through the normal course of things without you being weird online.