Rob Payne

I don't think this necessarily confirmed the supernatural. The whole thing could have been a fever dream with details populated by Kevin's subconscious, more or less confirmed last episode by Lori. It could instead have been real, or some combination of both, but I don't think ghosts and shit have been necessarily

He just wants to watch Honk If Your Horny in peace!

I was going to make a joke about how he really wants to eat all the refugees who stay with him. Not because he's fat, but because he gains super powers when he digests their souls.

You think they're going to have Star Wars in this alternate timeline? And if so, will anyone see the new one?

I actually think that works, because they were both nominated as leads. Hopkins may be supporting Foster, but he has his own arc and storyline in the movie somewhat separate from hers. And he's the only credible "lead actor" in that movie, since Scott Glenn really is only there to support Foster.

I do too. He was great as the audience surrogate bearing witness to Tom Cruise's WTFery in Collateral, and he was a solid, still center in Django while everyone else got to chew the scenery.

And now a whole movie!

I've recently seen some people take up the banner that the Hobbits are worse than the Star Wars prequels, and while the Hobbits were so disappointing I still haven't seen the third film, they are leaps and bounds more competently executed than the prequels. The Bilbo/Smaug scene and Riddles in the Dark are both better

Or funeral director.

What's interesting is that making it a trilogy was apparently neither a creative nor an accounting decision, it was done so they'd actually have time to shoot the battle itself by putting production off just a bit longer. That's insane!

First you pre-party at work, then you pre-game at home, then you fall asleep because you're not in college any more.

One of those people is James O'Barr.

I'm glad Gameological is an official part of the AVC now. When it first started I was rarely able to check it out at work, because my company has an incredibly strict, incredibly stupid thing where they block basically anything "game" related on the web. I can spend hours commenting here or shopping on Amazon, but I

I'll field this one!

I actually have a friend (haha, more than one, jerks) who loves trains and I think he'd love that book. Keep us posted, Mike!

Here's a ball. Maybe you'd like to bounce it?

Are you still here? If so, are you actually Joaquin Phoenix?

Oh yeah, I haven't seen that one either, but I keep meaning to. He does have that look in the poster, you're right.

I'd be more okay with the Jedi as creepy sexless monks if there was any other avenue for non-dark side Force users to exist. Why does every Force sensitive person have to join the Jedi, or else be branded a great galactic evil? That's messed up, man.

It's a monster penis living inside a monster vagina, it's its own best friend.