
I do love that bit, but Strange’s meet-cute with Spidey is so great. ‘Oh, we’re using our made-up names. Then I am Spider-Man.’

All of it is fantastic, but my favorite part is definitely “Magic!” “More magic!” “Magic with a kick!” “Magic with a -” Great use of Strange’s powers combined with the winning enthusiasm of Holland’s Spider-man. 

His fight with Thanos is the shit. I watch it over and over again. The butterflies, multiple Stranges, the red ropes, all so good.

Even the most devout Marvel loyalist can admit that the studio’s cinematic universe tends to have a problem when it comes to the big climactic set pieces that end their films. As with many of Hollywood’s CGI-heavy spectacles, there’s a tendency toward louder, flashier, and dumber—final fight sequences in which a hero

“Anybody on our side hiding any shocking or fantastic abilities they’d like to disclose?” is my favorite line from the movie.

Seriously can’t recommend Shazam! highly enough. It was a really great film.

Jesse, your refusal to acknowledge the Peter/Tony, Quill/Gamora. Gamora/Thanos, Thor/Rocket, and Wanda/Vision beats in this film reminds me that you are the AV Club’s Chilly, the Elf Who Cannot Love.

I know this was discussed yesterday but wow, this column really is starting the lean heavily on the “this is what was shit about this particular film” theme, huh? It almost turns it into a point at the end, only for it to quickly turn back into “Then again, Endgame will probably fuck it up”

It’s been AV Club standard practice pretty much from Iron Man to belittle superhero movies in general and the MCU in particular. No, these movies only entertain people. They don’t make one THINK, the way a self-indulgent single shot following a dancer on LSD down a hallway where people are pointlessly beating each

Yeah, the easy line is always to praise the down to earth, brutal action while shaking one’s head at the the CGI punch ups, but there’s really something to be said for the mythic grandeur of Ragnarok’s final action sequence.

TBH, I wouldn’t even classify the type of action in Ragnarok alongside the type of action in WS. It’s just going for a different vibe.

Yea I don’t understand this. The 3-4 minute sequence scored to Led Zepplin at the end of Ragnarok is the best use of Thor’s lightning powers in any MCU movie and super fun to watch.

Yeah, Thor coming down to Immigrant Song and lightning up folks on the Bridge  like a powered up Kratos is an AWESOME sequence

I misread that as “shoot lightning at people’s dicks”, and I’ll tell you, that’s the kind of movie I want to see.

The Goofy yell is the one thing guaranteed to make me laugh no matter where it shows up. Someone dubbed it over the fight scene in “Breaking Dawn Part 2" and I just lost it. 

“Gawrsh! I’m afraid the Death Star will be quite operational when your friends arrive, ah’hyuck!”

*gets thrown into pit by Darth Vader*


(Although Civil War hedged its bets even within the film itself: The final voice message from Steve to Tony is basically an assurance that their falling-out isn’t such a big deal, and he’ll see him the next time the planet’s in peril.)