
The old movie did have the advantage that Ron Perlman is 80% of the way to Hellboy as it is.

And Hellboy’s hair looks... ugh. I can only judge from the trailers, but its amazing that the new Hellboy make-up looks worse AND seems to limit the performer’s facial acting more than the decade+ old make-up.

Now we really need a superhero movie where the villain’s scheme is to make his quarterly sales quota AT ANY COST!

The makeup looks like it’s 15 years behind the first Hellboy movie, which is 15 years ago. That’s means it looks fifteen-teen years old!

Solomon was a mortal whose skills may be overrated. His wisdom isn’t as powerful as the wisdom of Athena that imbues Wonder Woman. Achilles was courageous because he had a nigh-invulnerablity enchantment. Billy is brave when faced with mortal weapons he turns out to be impervious to. He only flees initially when faced

Yeah, I really expected her to be dead or in jail or something, and the closer it gets to that scene the more the inevitability sets in. What makes it so devastating is how clearly it shows she made a choice: the chance to abandon her kid presented itself and she took it. I’m not without sympathy for her - she was a

Excellent article and I completely agree, both about Shazam! and Batman v Superman. Also, I, too, find it interesting that both Marvel and DC have released movies showing a different aspect of heroism and the main part of that heroism is empathy — in Captain Marvel, it’s Carol learning that the Skrulls aren’t bad and

Cap was never problematic because he always stood for what America is supposed to be, not what it is in reality. He quit several times over government interference (I esepcially like when he quit cause Ronnie wanted him to fight freedom fighters).

I always liked this exchange from Civil War after Cap stalemates Peter by dropping the onboarding ramp onto him.

I’d go with two lines: Erskine’s great monologue about how someone who’s been weak understands the value of strength, and Steve saying simply, “I don’t want to kill anyone. I just don’t like bullies; I don’t care where they’re from.”

That, to me, is Captain America. Not a tough guy or a glory seeker, just someone

That’s a great callout; I always love that scene. Like they specifically show that Cap may not seem much compared to a thunder god, a metal man, or a hulk, but he’s an incredible, rallying leader. They get so many character beats exactly right in the first Avengers and it’s so fun watching them bounce off each other.

My favorite part of the grenade scene is actually Infinity War highlighting how much Steve is a hypocrite in the best way possible. “We don’t trade a life for a life,” by which he actually means “Only my life is for trade for others.

If we’re going iconic lines of dialogue for this moment — especially ones explicitly refuting Captain America’s seeming baked-in jingoism to get the hero underneath — then frankly I’m amazed we didn’t instead pick:

I thought Cap was kind of underpowered in The Avengers, or at least not back up to full capacity after having been frozen 70 years, but for me he had the scene that gets the best laugh: The one where the two cops are like, “What the hell’s going on?” Cap shows up and starts barking orders. The older cop says “Why

It’s a good moment, but I disagree that it’s the defining one. The one that clearly shows who Cap is and why he does what he does is when he’s still a shrimp and talking to Erskine who asks “So you want to kill Nazis, eh?” Steve responds “No sir, I don’t want to kill anyone. I just don’t like bullies.” That line

It’s a great line, but Captain America doesn’t have to prove anything.  He was never what America is, He was always the promise of what America could be, if we fight for it!

I like to imagine that the Shazam movie is 90 minutes of this:

I wished it had done even better, because Shazam! was excellent. 

Shout out to Turn A Gundam, for having an insanely good soundtrack and an endearingly bizarre storyline!