It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.
It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.
This is pretty much an obligatory mention any time Japan’s legal system comes up, but the Ace Attorney franchise is basically political satire that only looks completely absurd through a Western lens. The 99% conviction rate, expectation of those arrested to confess, the lack of due process, and the seemingly rushed tr…
I knew nothing about Alita going into it, and I loved it. Why would you let some assholes you’ve never met, who’s viewpoints you don’t share, be the determining factor in whether or not you’ll see a movie? Why would you give them that power?
Oh hey look, another alt-right troll using BAA as the new Vivian James for your hate boner towards Captian Marvel
Hey now, let’s not forget about the husbandos out there, ya sexists. A friend of mine was all about a certain mute, pointy-eared boy who is usually somewhere in his teens. Not to mention Free! or the other equal-opportunity pandering media for the ladies.
Zack Snyder always gives me the impression that he’s an alien that’s like 95% good at approximating human emotion.
There was a Battle Angel video game released in ‘98 for the PS1.
Gunnm: Martian Memory
The plot used for the game seems to be the basis for the plot of the other Battle Angel comics: Last Order and Mars Chronicle.
In many ways, these kinds of stories make me appreciate the Superman story more. I think kind of playing around with what Clark could have been in a weird way adds weight to what he is.
We Need to Talk About Kal-El
Oh it will Son of Momo! Then it will seek out its creator in Revenge of Momo! Finally there will be laughs as well as screams in Abbott and Costello meet Momo.
It’s a little weird that this site, which breathlessly covers every MCU development, also thinks it’s fun to pretend that they’re actually too cool for the MCU and only like it ironically, so as not to seem like dorks, or something?
I can’t wait for the reboot of Danger Island, where the pirates are also cannibals.
The movie rights for 5 Nights at Freddy’s were outside of SyFy’s price range.
Meshuggenah. Organism. Designed. Only. for Kvetching.
The shows will be written by the same program.
Mr Mishigas!
The eyes are less jarring in the movie. Both my son and I saw it and it didnt bother us at all (even tho we both commented on the huge eyes in the trailer). It was an amazing film and worth a trip to the theaters for it.
How about you help it not bomb and go see it in the theatre. the experience is big enough that spending the extra money is worth it.
Its REALLY good. The action is amazing, its got some of the best choreographed fights around, the CG works which is useful as it is almost all CG, the acting is great (largely due to the stellar cast), and the story is fast paced enough. My only issue is one of the actors is not as good as the rest and he drags down…
I heard this movie was actually pretty good. I’ll watch it when it gets to streaming. And it didn’t bomb - it meaningfully outperformed the expectation that it would bomb. The problem is that $200 million budget. It’s going to need serious legs in the US and gangbuster overseas business to get a sequel.