
He brought a little joy to every movie he was on.

Yeah, I’m going with “Wanting to fuck a real serial killer is worse than being horny for a fictional alien slime monster.”

Reason is a website where contrarian Libertarian assholes excuse racism and concern troll about “leftists”. Just because those bigoted pricks match your own bigotry doesn’t make them credible.

Just seeing Jesse L. Martin up and about and healthy at the end there was worth it all.

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I don’t understand why people think that a more “traditional” take on Superman has to make him some cheesy boyscout. He can still have a lot of personality. He can be funny, witty, charming, but serious and deal with darker subject matters when the need arises. The DCAU had a great Superman.

I haven’t been playing much, but:

Travis Strikes Again - No More Heroes on Switch: This game seems to have split everyone all over the place, much like a Suda51/Grasshopper game is wont to do. Personally, I like it. It’s not NMH3, but it’s not meant to be. I like the beat ‘em up combat and the game’s general

Well, seems like I should just buy KH3 and stop trying to understand the background.

Between that and reprising Let Me Drive My Van etc., that was some mighty fine bookendin’.

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Yes, he was brought on specifically to do it... probably because he animated the classic ballroom dance scene from Beauty and the Beast.

I had a Beavis & Butthead moment with Obsidian. “ the the coolest thing I have ever seen.” 

I still haven’t read the book, but my sister and I said “I will hug him and squeeze him and name him George,” countless times as kids.

Everyone alive today who knows the Looney Tunes character Foghorn Leghorn has seen a parody before the real thing, because that character was created as a parody of a character who appeared on Fred Allen’s radio show, a blustery Southern senator named Senator Claghorn, played by Kenny Delmar.

Senator Claghorn had all th

Alex, if you really want to get the most out of YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, you need to keep going and watch SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, the third film and the last in which Karloff plays the monster. A LOT of stuff there was quoted more or less directly by Brooks and Wilder, including the son who isn’t sure he wants to continue his

After seeing the episode-length Citizen Kane and Sunset Boulevard parodies on Tiny Toon Adventures, I remember thinking “These would be really good movies if they just told them straight”. 

Everything we watched in film school ended up being something I’d already seen parodied or referenced on The Simpsons years before.

Bigfoot bogarts all the beef jerky. 

We have the technology. We can make him better, than he was.

Do you think we have the technology?

According to The Six Million Dollar Man he’s a robot anyway, so we can just build a new one.

Bigfoot shit on his lawn.