
Saw Into the Spider-Verse today. It was GREAT.

I’m gonna play smash until my eyeballs bleed this weekend. Thank you.

I’m still laughing at that Santa line.

i think your take is pretty much spot on. only thing i disagree with is mr stotch’s little speech to butters. i think the whole point of that speech is he was passing the buck to butters. saying how butters needs his stuff, needs little presents to himself. butters is sitting there saying ‘dad i don’t care about the

I mean, those zombie mall workers are a bit scary looking, but I honestly laughed every time they popped on screen! I just found them hilarious. Full disclosure, I worked in a mall for a few years in my youth, hehe...

“I mean, are we supposed to keep going? Just go on, making total asses of ourselves?”

Exactly. Watching Peter plead with Tony not to go is legitimately gut wrenching, cuz for Tony it's like watching your son evaporate in front of you.

Right this very minute!

Now playing

The best Christmas song is Father Christmas by The Kinks.

Hey, I love christmas music. It makes me feel all Christmasy. And frankly, we all need a little christmas, right!?

Odds on whether the “hate” for classic Christmas songs is widespread, or just a deliberately contrarian hot take by Internet pop culture nerds.

I think it’s the all round funniest film I’ve seen this year. The two time travel montages are amazing.

Robin’s final entreaty to the children in the audience might have been my favorite five seconds of any movie this year.

Also great - Stan Lee’s cameo(s).

The time travel scene had me laughing so hard that my three year old told me off for it. But the brutality of the way they stopped Aquaman becoming Aquaman - and then the brutality (with Robin’s cheery grin) of the way they “fixed” undoing Batman’s origin.

But the horror doesn’t come from “They’re all definitely, forever dead”, the horror comes from the moment - from their own horror of dying, from the horror of their friends and loved ones seeing them dying. From seeing the scale of it. Even if Spider-Man and Groot are coming back, seeing them die in that moment still

I’m pleasantly surprised to see the Infinity War ending here. Most professional critics rushed to greet it with proud cynicism.

The last line in Teen Titans Go to the Movies (not counting the stuff in/after the credits)

Sixteen Tons is a brilliant choice. I love the parallels between coal mining and Amazon fulfilment. Working for Amazon for money while spending even more money at Amazon is exactly the kind of soul-crushing working condition that song was talking about. 

“At the... the m... m... the mall.”