
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company,

"The Dead Sea Scrolls have been scrutinized and authenticated as historical documents, and that is a fact! So what, now your going to say hey the writings of Aristotle somehow are more real then that of the Dead Sea Scrolls when both have been approach with the same scientific scrutiny?"

"yet since 1905 wasn't it faith in the idea of Einsteins theory and causality to allow science to move forward"

Pfsh! You yougsters and your new-fangled RPGiggery!

For that reason, to me, Marijuana is the Marijuana of Marijuana.

Also been in operation in Germany since 2002. Here they are called "Packstation", are located in post offices or as free standing units and are operated by DHL, which means that you can not only send packages to them but you can use them to despatch packages as well.

04-01-2031: Today George Lucas finally released the CrystalChip (TM) version of Space Conflict Episodes 3.1 "The Return Of The Skywalker", 3.2 "The Emperor Retaliates" and 3.3 "The Ewoks Save The Day", whom old fanboys still insist on calling Star Wars Episodes 4-6. Fanboys all over the world raged against what Lucas

In Germany CargoLifter AG tried something similar in 1996. The proposed airship, the CL 160 was planned to be a semi-rigid airship, 260 m long, with eight 8000 horsepower engines and be able to carry 160 tons. They never built more than a flight-worthy, manned, 1:8 scale model.

Oh Great! Now we will have all those Apple-fanboys with proudly displayed WHITE headphones run around the subway jelling to their phones over the din!


This was also the case in Europe. Just look at paintings from the 17th Century, like the ones from Peter Paul Rubens. He painted fat, extremly pale women because it was considered a sign of being rich to have more than enough to eat and not having to do manual labor (i.e. fat) and not having to work out in the sun

You both know that there is a difference between undelined text and text written in italics, don't you?

Why do the "maniacs" have guns in the first place? And I don't mean the criminals who have illegal access to guns even in countries with strict gun control laws who strangely don't seem to run amok and kill all their co-workers or schoolmates.

I recently stumbled upon another neat multiplication trick, the so called "vedic multiplication". With this method you can quickly multiply large numers if both are close to the next power of ten.

You think this looks like an antimatter gun? How about these two?