
That was the moment I realized it wasn't a dream, since I'd heard about that moment from the comics. The entire sequence had a dreamlike quality that made it hard to determine.

I take the flashbacks as my opportunity to check my phone. If all of a sudden one of those army(?) guys showed up as Darhk's boss in the next episode, I wouldn't catch it.

No Boundaries immediately came to mind as soon as I saw the title of this article. I remember loving that show when it came out - it still seemed somewhat original at the time, like Survivor but on the move. It was about the survival, and not necessarily the petty drama (as entertaining as that drama can obviously be).

Glad I'm not the only one who thought of that immediately!

Way better premiere than The Flash, but am I the only one who found his pronouncement of "I am the GREEN Arrow" to be incredibly cheesy? And frankly, I'm not sure I understand the story reason for adding green to his title.

I call bullshit. MAYBE they have it narrowed down to two possibilities, but no fucking way do you introduce a plot point like that without planning ahead.

Regarding Delphine getting shot and knowing who did it: I rewatched the last ten minutes or so, and I'm thinking that not only did she know who shot her, she knew it was coming. Her final moments with Shay and Cosima reek of dotting i's and crossing t's.

Not to toot my own horn, but the "someone else has the ring to keep her quiet" clicked for me earlier in the episode. The random scene with her mother-in-law (was she that much of a bitch the first time around?) made it clear we were going to see the ring again before the end of the episode. I was leaning toward it

You know, now that I think about it, you're right. This storyline is nice and all, but he was a lot more fun in the first few episodes.

I hadn't seen any of the movies and quite enjoyed the premiere, but this is basically Noah Wyle auditioning to play The Doctor, yes?

I'm sorry, but clearly someone clearly gave up on listening to Serial early. We've already found out that cell tower evidence is basically useless these days.

Amen. And every moment of it was absolutely delicious and left me salivating for more.

I actually really dug the episode. It was fun and fast-paced, and served as a good follow up to last week's episode.

I think you're totally misunderstanding a large part of the show's fan base if you think no one cares about its gayness.

Seriously, what is the deal with Danny? I noticed that we hadn't seen him last week, but the storylines of the last two episodes wouldn't really have lent themselves to incorporating him. But the whole episode was about lacrosse!

I feel like Dexter has a place on this list as well. I mean "I only kill other killers" is a pretty special kind of code.

Honestly, I love this show but I haven't rewatched any of it. Sometimes the call backs help.

Wow. That's more roles than some people will play in ten years.

Being a Montrealer, it was all perfectly understandable.

The whole Lindsey quitting thing doesn't bother me as much as others. Ya, you came all this way to play a game so you should fucking play it. But I don't know much about her past - maybe she has demons in her closet (e.g. anger management issues) and she was afraid that this would let them out. I can appreciate that