
I just picked it up (on sale) and am really enjoying it. I’m still really early in the game, but the combat feels just about right (you will die, but it’s not frustratingly hard).

Trump supporters! It is a joke, but not intentional...

All of their Trump articles start off with some sort of funny, long-winded insult to ol’ cheeto face. I love it!

I’m not sure you understand how click-bate headlines work...

don’t be silly!

nah, you’re good. Keep up the excellent work over there!

I recently ran into a Trump supporter who responded with “Hillary is the racist one!”

this is good to hear! I also just bought it for 15 bucks, and am mostly thinking I’ll play the campaign and then poke my head into MP to see how quickly I get killed


“That is what you are voting for when you vote Hillary.”

In a traditional debate, we call this “Fallacy of hasty generalization”

Are you ready for a REAL challenge?

I’m disappointed. I was hoping the “Dutch reach” was some kind of sex move

but that says nothing about the decision by kotaku to publish this article. Just because it’s a story that will generate clicks, they ran with it. I think it’s more than fair to ask why it was even published here - it’s not like the author added any editorial or anything...

All he has to do is deny deny deny. His supporters will continue to stay the course. The only hope here is that some of the undecided people are swayed, but if they are still considering voting for this asshole at this point, I’m not holding my breath

“I’m like that, readers. But, since I work at Kotaku, sometimes that work is playing video games!”

Can anyone clue me in here? What’s the “b(5)“ indicate in all of the text blackouts?


great article! You have convinced me to dust off my copy of GTA and give this a try tonight.

You had me at your first written sentence: