
and this is exactly why all of their cries of censorship don’t bother me. Can’t ban that sub soon enough, as far as I’m concerned

prior to the change today, only paid users were able to filter out specific content from the main feed. Also, their mods would “sticky” a post, resulting in an inordinate amount of their posts making it into everyone’s feed.

I read somewhere that the gold in those bottles is worth around 4 bucks...

“Secretly modifying posts”’s not like they’re wrecking freedom of speech. The change was from “F U u/spez” and changing an anti gay slur. The Donald is one of the most toxic and negative internet communities I’ve ever come across. Reddit can’t ban them soon enough IMHO

oh...damn. Yeah. No good.

why does that question matter??? This isn’t something where you need to stop and ask “what if?”

LMAO! The article is called “Are people fucking in Trump tower”

Would these work for gaming? (PS4)

Would these work for gaming? (PS4)

I think the term is “libtards”

Trust me. Most of us U.S. citizens know. If it helps, it looks like over a million more people voted for Clinton. Our country is going to be Great again we got that going for us...

CHANGE YOUR USERNA..... oh, I see...nah, we cool now. You’ve atoned for your transgression

this was a really good article! Please do more of this, and do it often!

What? Racism caused you to elect a racist?? Bravo? Well done? Congratulations?

I don’t know what you’re looking for here...

LOL! I’d say about 50% of his first 100 day plan isn’t going to work for legal reasons.

Nice! I just ordered it! Mostly for the single player campaign, but looking forward to checking everything out!

Nice! I just ordered it! Mostly for the single player campaign, but looking forward to checking everything out!

Ah, I can smell the lawsuits already! Smells like democracy in action.

but hey! We got a small, one-time tax break! Yay?

yup, this is how it starts...with “vetting”:

oh, he has a mandate alright: Make America White Again!

So, everything I learned from watching the Dukes of Hazzard as a kid is a lie?!?!