I don't know what that stuff means, dude, sorry. I know what ethernet is and passwords and stuff but not the other stuff.
I don't know what that stuff means, dude, sorry. I know what ethernet is and passwords and stuff but not the other stuff.
This Raspberry Pi thing is so cool. If I had any rudimentary understanding of how to get it to work, I'd buy one.
I just turned 30, but I'm still fuzzy on the career direction thing. As a journalist, I just want to get out of this industry, mostly due to lack of stability. The other core things, I'm good.
This seems like an exercise in frustration more than it is fun.
Thanks, I'll do the same.
Whats the one for "3 people you know followed this guy"? Thats the one I want disabled.
What kind of dude takes a bath? #Lame
I don't know when Kristin Wong joined the LH team, but she's definitely all-star caliber. Her stuff has been solid. What a great recap of ways to save money. Totally installed Invisible Hand, btw.
This was great. I'm 30 and about to nab a Roth IRA. Thanks for this!
It just genuinely doesn't look fascinating or fun in any way. Invincible bad guy who waves his hand and you die? #ThumbsDown
No EarthBound = List invalid.
Oh, there be man-boobs.
It is! And thanks for your response, appreciate it!
You're an idiot.
I just need like, a million dollars and I'm set for life. Tax-free, of course.
I have not! I keep hearing good things. I'll check out the demo tonight.
I'm happy with mine. Bought it with the Titanfall code and all that jazz. Thus far, I'm happy, but I'm slightly disappointed in the lack of any actual role-playing games. Not that I'm some hardcore JRPG geek or anything, but give me something here, MS. I'm excited for Dragon Age and all, but that's a while off.
It's just so bizarre to me that all my other freelance gigs are so on-time and perfect with their payment, except for this guy. Literally everything else is bi-weekly or on a monthly basis, which is fine by me.
Thanks very much. That's a very clear way of looking at this. I've emailed informing him that I've suspended further email updates until payment is worked out.
I can't call, apparently the guy is out of country, so, frustrating. Like I said, my full-time gig is fine and my other freelance gigs are fine, too, just this one is so obnoxious with the waiting to pay me bullshit.