Rob O.

I wouldn't say I rely on it tremendously, but the money does certainly help pay for the home improvements I have planned. I can pay bills and save up with just my normal job and freelance gigs without much of an issue.

I'm in a pickle. I'm an editor with a magazine full-time, but have a part-time nightly gig where I'm a website editor. I get paid, from my part-time gig, about half the amount I get paid for my full-time gig. I'm currently socking money away to save for a potential home renovation thing in the immediate future. My

I'm the hipster? Me? Moi? Finally ... I've made it!

This was great. Awesome piece. I actually like the Kinect very much. I find that light integration is far more fascinating than total integration, but I get why people go for total. I like petting animals in Zoo Tycoon or actually turning my head in Battlefield 4 and seeing the screen move with it. It's a neat aspect,

Because a hivemind of hipsters is NEVER wrong. EVER.

I feel that your definition is very fast and loose and only geared toward proving your point. King Kong's existence trumps Godzilla's, erego, "kaiju" is a stupid fucking term. Go back to playing on Jezebel, dickbag.

True or False: King Kong came before Godzilla?

And for the record, this isn't about the word being "foreign," it's about it having zero meaning pre-modern era. And technically, you dipshits, it translates to "strange monster" so GIANT MONSTER is more apt.

Can we stop using that obnoxious term? Just say "giant monster."

I don't think he has as much say as you think he does, but I agree, the Megan Fox casting is fucked.

Michael Bay isn't directing Ninja Turtles. That's a Jon Liebesman flick. Bay is producing.

Jonathan Football, lol

I'll share, too, fuck it.

Prom night. 2002. I had oral surgery about a month earlier and healed up pretty nicely a few weeks before the prom. I had asked like, three girls, all of whom said no. It was pretty disheartening. I ended up going with my friend Stephanie, who had a boyfriend at another school and was meeting

War widow tears. Justified. Lots of tiptoeing in these stories.

You're fucking ridiculous for not probing about the poisoning.

Any talk of multiplayer?

Very cool. Best of luck with it, really great idea!

That's great, then! It's a neat setup, for sure. Have you had to make any repairs to it since creating it? Any regular issues?

How sturdy is this setup? The boxes don't look particularly heavy. The actual desktop looks sturdy enough, I'd say, but I'd be constantly worried about the whole thing crashing down.

Article was totally worth it if only to find out that "new car smell" comes from a bottle. Amazon Wishlisted like whoa.