
Despite all his names, he is still just a rat in a cage!!!

So was Katee Sackhoff’s accent coach Dick van Dyke?

How can one be “indifferent” to Mark Wahlberg? He is completely annoying and unlikeable and getting worse with age.

No, I get where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t go to that sort of place with a baby, and definitely not at our dinner/their bed time. They sound very inconsiderate. The phrase “do you mind” just triggers me for some reason.

Don’t post unless there’s someone out there who actually cares to see it.

There’s been a trend lately of idolizing “cool parents” who try very hard to show how having a baby hasn’t turned them into a frumpy mess - they still go on classy vacations, go fine dining, and all the other stuff they totally did before kids.

I love you, but I do not want to constantly hear you vent about how hard it is to be a parent. You decided to bring another human being into the world, one that would rely on you 100% for everything for the first years of its life. Did you think it was going to be easy? or cheap?

Teach your kids some goddamned manners. As soon as they are able to walk and talk, they are able to be trained in the art of not throwing shit and laughing, or yanking on the dog’s ear, or dropping trou on the carpet. They respond easily enough to cause/effect conditioning and do not require a “talking to” until they

When people preemptively kick me out of a conversation by saying “Well you don’t have kids so you won’t understand x,y,z” it’s kind of isolating. Like, I know I don’t have kids.. but I AM able to have empathy and listen and relate to people who lead a different life than I do.

I wish Facebook had a native “hide baby photos” option. You can sort of hack one together with add-ons, but I would like to follow the people on my list without being spammed with the 14 photos they decided to take of their kids in the past hour.

If I was making shit money at a shit job I’d find it hilarious to watch some hyper-entitled idiot with disposable income blow a blood vessel over something they didn’t know they wanted six months ago.

That’s less Kylie and more Mannequin 3: The Quest for Blood.

“Snowpiercer: Had some great performances and a couple of good sequences but the entire thing kind of falls apart if you think about it for more than a minute.”

Eternal Sunshine has aged really poorly for me. It was one of those films that seemed amazing when I was 19, but now it just feels like a semi-novel trudge through unlikable-character-land.

Gattaca is amazing and absolutely should be here.

I expected to see Ex Machina about halfway through the list. When it still hadn’t shown up by the time I reached the top 5, I thought “Wow, is Ex Machina gonna be in the top 5? Bold move AVClub.”

$800M of Seinfeld money will make people think you are far funnier.

Just shave it off, Larry.

Sounds like a question for Mike Judge.

“Choose to like more than one thing” is a great point. All good art is better when influenced by your experience of other art.