
What makes Jigsaw such a good foil to The Punisher is his scars, both mental and physical, are there to be seen.

The protagonist can be either Frank or The Punisher there are those moments where we’re let it. He can also blend into the crowd - The trauma of what happened to his family is not visible to those around

I’m going back out next month - Don’t get me wrong I love the BBQ but, for some reason all my clients think that is what they should feed me. Any chance you could whip up a “5 favs: non-BBQ” for downtown area?

I travel to KC with some frequency.

If you’ve ever spent any time in New York - this place will mess with you. “Downtown” is north of “Uptown”, the Numbered streets ascend to the south. The trolley only takes you about halfway before turning around. Seriously.

It’s DRY! (compared to the coast) I’ve been there in rain

My mom did this with us growing up - and now I do it with my kids. It’s amazing. I did it a family reunion once and all my nieces and nephews came running too - I couldn’t keep from laughing.

But I have one question - your whistle is the quiet little lips only “singing a tune” whistle, or the fingers in mouth “let’s go

Shows like what? I am honestly looking for suggestions here... 

I’m of the opinion (although now that I get it out of my head and into writing, like all opinions it sucks but..) had NetFlix not misstepped and segmented and aquessed so often in the beginning. If they understood that they did one thing - and if they tried to do it well. We wouldn’t be here in this subscription

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Man NetFlix just doesn’t know how NOT to disappoint any more.

Aside for “for my kids” I don’t really see a benefit for it any more. I used to love the Marvel stuff - but they’re all gone now. (Actually - any word on the Punisher?) They’ve stopped getting loads of

I’m a 38 year old father of two...

Why do you guys keep saying “Santa Clause” I don’t get it? 

OK - I too am old. I too graduated College in 2000. I too had a zip drive (Comp Sci major). I too had a drive failure. I too tossed my usable disks at it the drive...However, I had BACKUPS!

I used “Briefcase” and an xcopy batch script to keep the local copies on the hard drive in sync.

That “Freaky eyed alien chick is Alita from the new movie.

No - You leave Alita out of this!

Wait, are you implying there is some other way? 

I find this truth hard to swallow - it’s a little “Chewie”. 

Ok but - OW!

What’s with the Data gut shot - Although speaking of a movie that should have happened in an alternate real.... Oh Thank god! J.J. Abrams made this never happen! Thank you Kelvin Universe I love you and your lens flare! 

Came to complain about the headline - only to see it’s already been fixed.

You win this time Beth Elderkin - But I’ll be back!!!! 

Quite honestly the best video-article posted to giz, EVER!

This was awesome, I can’t wait to see more! 

WTF - I’m out of the gray on every other site but this one!?! come on!

The answer is neither - When I was kid, I saw “Alien”. It scared the shit out of me for months. I had night terrors and everything. Then one night, cornered by the xenomorph it’s drooly tongue teeth snapping for me, I had an epiphany “F*** IT! I’m done being scared! EAT ME!” - it lunged, I died, I woke up, and I felt

Sorry dude, a truly adequate man has no enemies in nature.

There is nothing you listed that can not be managed or mitigated with appropriate care and effort. You are the guest in their world, act like it.

moist coitus cabin