
My trick is - that when there is severe weather in the forecast I half fill two large (2 quart) water bottles and stick them in the freezer on their side. Once Frozen I stand them up on their bottoms.

This serves 2 purposes - 1. I have just added 2 quarts of Ice to my insulated freezer which extends the time my food

Yes, And not only that but the movies arriving have all shown up on my TV sometime in the past 3 months and therefore trigger little or no interest in me at all.

Ah - Kinja how I’ll miss ya...

“I LOVE ABP!!!!”

3 replies “This other thing is better use it instead”

I love ABP!!!

What I want to block is promoted pins on pinterest and promoted tweets on twitter.


Big fan of white noise pro.

I’m at the point now where I use it for everything.

Pre-Presentation psych ups.
Bed time calm downs
hell - in the car during rush hour.

No really lay off the Teen Wolf - It’s thriller See.

That’s not a node to Teen Wolf - That’s a node to Thriller.

What did you do with the rest of your day?

Buy this book!

Seriously the best re-read book that isn’t Tolkien that I have ever read. I keep a copy in my kindle library as an emergency back up book - flight delays, long layovers, etc.

Buy this book!

Seriously the best re-read book that isn’t Tolkien that I have ever read. I keep a copy in my kindle

Unless like me you were born with a perceptual impairment disorder that renders most visual processing delayed or incomplete.

at first - I don’t see a brick wall. I see a bunch of similarly colored rectangles with black framing. Then I notice the non-parallel lines and infer perspective.

So it’s a bunch of colored

Ok, wow... Disney made Infinity to take on Skylanders. Skylanders was taking a beating because of it. Lego got into the game because Disney was making money hand over fist. Now if Disney has canceled it’s investment on the RFID Game market - Willing to beat it won’t be long before the others go too.


Right out of college I signed a 5 year lease with an awesome yuppie who had converted her condo into a rental property after moving in with her fiance.

I know you say it’s over...and I debated about being that guy...and now I’m left with the self righteous feeling like “I have to be that guy”.

I’ve been a longtime lurker/ reader - Gina even published some of my lifehacks back in the day. And I know that ship has sailed, and new times, and all that crap but... Do you

Nice article. Frank would be proud.

Long time Frank fan... And yeah there isn’t a whole lot of Charlie Bronson or Chuck Norris flicks being made now-a-days but, Frank has a home.

Seriously, great article.

Ok, as an amature science pundit can I just say, across all levels of science this can be applied to - this is one of the worst articles I have ever read. Are you a dietician or medical doctor? Did you consult with knowledged sources prior to publishing?

Purell hand sanitizer works on all sap - with a catch.

meat taste like a wet sponge

Oh my god yes!!!

You do have to remove the excess fat. You can either use a gravy separator, or let is sit and use the turkey baster to suck out the drippings from under the fat (I find that works better than trying to take the fat of the drippings).