Robot Monkey Jesus

Yeah, and look at the difference in color between the picture and the video, it’s so much more lush and green now, it’s incredible. I’ve noticed how much nicer the hills in SoCal are now too, the rain has truly been a god send.


Didn’t realize this negatively affected you. Fuck You.

What a fucking dumbass

I’m shocked you’re not under an NDA

drone pilot... just let the rage flow through you, DRONE PILOT.... I love to watch you seethe...

Good, cause I won’t ;)

Gross, to me that’s no different than putting water on your cereal.

Skim milk in coffee? You may as well be adding cold water. Cream or whole milk doesn’t make coffee oily or greasy, that’s from the type of bean itself. You can get a very oily or dry roast, and that will change the feel of the coffee more, as well as your extraction method.

You rang?