
I'll just leave this here:

Metal... Gear!?!

VFX is $0.99, not free.

I watched both documentaries in the same week. Winnebago man ends up being a much more 'feel good' documentary. Best Worst Movie is a bit more nuanced and explores some more mature themes about fame and perception. It was made by the boy who starred in the original film as he tries to reunite the other actors and the

Another great resource for helping you plan your purchase of any Apple products:

The cable company's of the network's?

That's a good point about XBL. I would think MS could negotiate something, but if not that would be a big hit to the Xbox as a media center. I'm already getting fed up with how dodgy the MSN app is.

So it's a houseboat? As a native Seattleite allow me to yawn obnoxiously.

Oh wow, fuck you too. I thought we were having a civil conversation, but I'm out.

I would count any Mario platforming game where he's jumping on enemies. There have been a bunch in the portable market, too. But let's take Mario Galaxy 2 as an example of my original point. It came out almost two years ago, but it still costs full price. What other companies games still cost full price two years

I think we've seen a lot more than just one Mario game in the past 4-5 years.

You're entitled to your opinion, but the point still stands. These days most AAA games come down in price after a few months, but Nintendo's games don't. For a gamer on a budget, that's a big negative.

Especially when you look at the price of their games. I don't think I'm willing to buy another new console where the only games worth playing never drop in price.

I prefer to get my games at a discount a few months after launch, but Nintendo insists on charging full price for their games even a year after release.

You forgot:

Dear Nintendo,

CT is on a roll right now. The death penalty was just outlawed there. And the Governor has expressed support for a medical marijuana bill that just passed the house 96-51 and is moving to the senate.

While I liked the game, I felt a little burned by the paltry number of levels and the fact that they wanted you to pay extra to get it for the iPhone and iPad. Hopefully they keep it up with the free levels from time to time.

Haha. But they said it was "the important thing to know" about the last quarter!

Real Racing 2 and Angry Birds Space are good retina games. Any picture that is the same resolution of the screen or higher will look good (this includes the iPad 3 camera). Also try taking some 1080p video with the built in camera.