
You didn't see a difference in infinity blade because it's not optimized for retina resolution. The resolution is especially noticeable text, photos, and HD video. I take a lot of photos and the difference is night and day. It's like holding glossy high-quality 8 x 10 print.

I live right next to a Target, but I avoid shopping there because they give so much money to radical right-wing organizations. Anti-gay, anti-poor, anti-woman. That kind of stuff. I'd almost rather shop at WalMart.

"This stuff we have in the lab is so much better than the product you can buy today. Never mind the lack of a price or release date."

Plenty of people take Apple to task, especially at Kotaku. But if you're confused as to why business people are praising Apple and questioning Sony, maybe you should look at their bottom lines.

The difference is Apple only makes the products that consumers want. Sony does some of that, but they also make a bunch of filler.

Pretty good example of how Kinect can help a hardcore game by making more commands immediately available. Not sure it's worth buying a Kinect just for this, but it's a good sign of things to come.

I love the twisted logic in the last sentence. The overpriced MBA is cheap, and its competition is expensive? That seems like the opposite of 'overpriced'.

Then who assembles it? Space pixies?

Meth is a hell of a drug?

In this comparison the cable box, not the TV, would be the phone.

I was replying to the comment about the 7 inch tablet for $500 (not that confusing, ours were the first 2 comments), but I'll go out on a limb and say that the 13 inch isn't going to sell well at $650 either.

Seriously. You can get the iPad 2 for $100 less!

"How is this possible?" They posted some parody videos. If you want to blame anyone blame Google for releasing a video of a product that may or may not do all the things in the video, and may or may not be out out this or next year. If they had given us some real information we would be talking about it, but for now

Choice is nice, but android tablets just haven't been successful at the high end of the market. If android tablets have to retreat to the bottom to compete, that leaves them in a precarious position, especially if Apple decides to introduce a $300 tablet sometime in the next year.

I think you can complain if it effects quality. A race to the bottom is worrying, especially if it's in response to Apple dominating the profitable segment of the market.

Concept videos are ripe for parody, and the Google Glasses one was pretty cheesy. Every new tech gets made fun of, just look at all the funny Siri videos.

No girls allowed!

It's basically one big sausage-fest.

And which day would that be?

I never asked for proof, nor claimed I had any. My aim is not to convince you of anything, just to encourage people to look at what's actually available before taking your account at face value. I think I've done that, so I'm out.