
Google's video was pretty cheesy, and any concept video is automatically ripe for parody. I would expect to see a lot more of these.

I didn't read the book and I liked the movie, mainly because of Jennifer Lawrence's performance. She did a great job with the role. If it had been a lesser actress the whole thing could have fallen into cheesy teen movie territory.

Go look around yourself. I'm trying to sell you an iPad, I'm just saying your characterization of iPad games is off-base.

I'm talking about the video game industry changing dramatically. I don't think Android tablets have the numbers to do that, PS3 controller or not.

I've been cable free since 2003 when I moved to NYC. These days it's a mix of an HD antennae, Netflix streaming, Hulu (not plus), video podcasts, and video from iOS apps over AirPlay. I've even rented a movie or two from the Zune Marketplace and iTunes.

You clearly haven't had a good look around the app store lately.

If apple releases a game controller or an HID API before the next Xbox, things will start to get very interesting.


I don't remember Leia being anorexic in Return of the Jedi. In fact I'm pretty sure she's put on even more weight since then.

And really, handing your phone to someone else is just a passive aggressive way of saying "you're not paying enough attention to this picture of my kid/dog/lunch."

Or just hold the phone up and show the picture. If you don't want them touching it, don't put it in their hands.

I haven't heard anything about Android improving their audio latency problems, care to point me in the right direction?

Don't go handing me your porn then!

In addition to Android's audio issues, there's also this:

Indeed. If anything this proves how self-righteous and insulated nerd/gaming culture can be. EA is involved in very little 'oppression' and it's easy enough to avoid the effects of their 'evil' by simply not buying their product. I don't like the direction they're going either, but the level of actual harm done to the

They do have a lot of catching up to do, but I think they will do just that. Desktops and laptops will not 'die' by any means, but they won't preferred computing device for most people.

Again, I'm not arguing that tablets are better than laptops for all jobs. Market wise (which is the context of the article), tablets are indeed in the process of overtaking traditional computers. People are still going to use PCs for many years to come. What I'm arguing (and what the article implies) is that they

How many of your friends have bought a new computer lately vs a new tablet?

You need to go back and do some research, because what you've said doesn't mesh with reality.

It is happening right now. Apple sold more iPads than HP sold computers last year. Just because it doesn't make sense for you doesn't mean it's not absolutely happening as we speak. Just ask the people still trying to make money making selling only PCs.